Friday, July 28, 2006

28th Week on the Diet

Well I am gonna try something drastic over the next two weeks. I am gonna just eat HMR products and fruits and vegetables! I have too many choices and I need to take a closer look at what I am eating. I will not deprive myself, but focus on better eating and exercise. I hope this jump start works because I have been sliding for so long. Time will tell!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

27th Week on the Diet

Current Weight: 260 lbs Weight Loss This Week: 0 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far: 5 lbs.

What can I say? I haven't been keeping track and have been eating whatever I want! I really don't have any good excuses. I just can't seem to stick to any plan. I have not been exercising as well, which I am really starting to feel. I know what I should eat, how much, and that I should exercise, but I still do nothing. It is very frustrating. I want to be thinner, but it seems like such a chore to worry about all the time. The last time I lost a big chunk of weight(75 lbs) I was crazy about how much I ate and how much exercise I got every day. I think I am so tired about having to worry about how to keep it off all the time. As I get older, the less motivation I have. I need magic motivation!!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

President George Bush is Loser of the Week

Our notorious President is at it again. This time he plans to use his first veto ever against stem cell research, even though polls show that the American public, and the majority of the scientific community believe the research should continue. The stem cells that are in question are going to be thrown away whether he vetoes the bill or not. They were taken from embryos and could never be given the chance to become human beings. Our President continues to tell us each and every day that he is a complete moron.

President George Bush is our Loser of the week!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Do Toys And Judy Garland Make Us Gay?

gay collage.jpg

Yes, I had an Easy-Bake Oven as a child. I was remembering it when I was at a recent party with a bunch of middle aged gay men, know as bears. To my wonderful surprise, I met several other men who either had one, or played with their sister's Easy-Bake when they were little. I got to thinking about gay culture and how for many of us it began before we even knew we were gay. I remember asking my parents for a Barbie doll too! Yes, I had G.I. Joe, but I wanted a talking Barbie. I remember that my father was against it, but I whined so much that I eventually got one. I had so much fun playing Barbie with the girl next door, I didn't see any reason why I couldn't have one. It never occurred to me that I could only play with certain toys. It made no logical sense to me even at a young age. In my later childhood, I became obsessed with The Wizard of Oz and Judy Garland. I had never met a gay person, but somehow I was quickly becoming a stereotypical one.

In my teens I loved Valley of the Dolls, Barbra Streisand, and Liza Minnelli. Gay, Gay, Gay! From my earliest memories I had been on the path to raging homosexual. I hated gym class, always thought of girls as pals, and found I had a strange attraction for men's underwear ads. Before I came out to myself and the world I thought I was some kind of freak! I now know that I didn't have such a unique childhood after all. The stimuli that I had responded to were the same that many gay men from my generation also found appealing.

How come I can quote Mommie Dearest? Why do I adore Kathy Griffin? No matter what our upbringing, or part of the country we are from, many gay men share the same likes and experiences. What are the odds? Gay people didn't recruit me. I didn't know any gay people when I was growing up. Sorry, right wing America... I was born this way!

Bay Windows Blogging Massachusetts Constitutional Convention

Bay Windows is blogging the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention today. On the docket for the ConCon is whether a ballot question banning gay marriage in Massauchetts will appear in 2008. Please call your legislators today. Minority rights should never be decided by popular vote and the constitution should grant rights to individuals, not take them away.

Kudos: Bay Windows, Mass Equality

Monday, July 10, 2006

Jury Duty

Here I sit. I am waiting at the jury pool at the Dedham courthouse to see if I will be impaneled on a jury this morning. I am torn by what I hope the outcome will be. I have never sat on a jury before and it might be an interesting experience.  On the other hand, I am so tired. I am not used to getting up at 6:30 AM..try 9:30! I also can't be here for more than a few days. I just hope my bum holds out from all this sitting!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

New York State Court of Appeals is Loser of the Week

The New York State Court of Appeals is our loser of the week for ruling that gay people do not have a right to get married.

The state Court of Appeals in Albany today decided four appeals by 44 gay and lesbian couples, ruling 4 to 2 that the parties had no right to be issued marriage licenses by local officials. The decision should be made by elected lawmakers, the court said.


The New York State Court of Appeals is our Loser of the Week



Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Walpole Fireworks



Last night we went to see the fireworks display in Walpole. Walpole always has their fireworks display the night before the fourth. I am always really amazed at how spectacular they are for our small town. This year was wonderful. The night was perfect, with not a cloud in the sky. We had the perfect viewing spot thanks to our friends Karen and Ron, and it was wonderful to have Mike's parents and sister along as well. Happy Fourth of July!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Thank You, George Bush

Cost of the War in Iraq

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