Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saddam Hussein is Executed
Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging yesterday morning. While I feel that the world will not miss him, I can't really see how executing him solved any of the problems that the world currently faces, especially in the Middle East. I have never felt that capital punishment is the right answer to anything. I have yet to see how a society can call itself civilized when they have a systematic system in place for killing their own members, no matter how heinous that member of society is. I suppose I might want the person who killed someone in my family dead, but is that justice? I think it is just revenge. I am all for making criminal's lives unpleasant, but there is no pain after you die. I would rather have someone be reminded every day of the horrible things they have done and be forced to work and pay for their food and healthcare, while any and all luxuries would be denied... that, to me is punishment. I don't think that many of the flotsam and jetsam who commit these crimes actually fear death anyway. Living without freedom is punishment. Execution makes the victims feel better, but all the perpetrator gets out of it is the time and date of his death. It is hardly justice and not much different or painful than learning you have six months to live from cancer. Call me a pacifist if you want, but I think I want something much worse than death for these individuals.
I would also like to take this time to say I have no respect for anyone who claims that human life is sacred, but supports the death penalty! Either you elevate the human, or you don't... there is no in between. If we are "playing God" with a fetus, or even an embryo, than what gives us the right to do so with a full grown human, no matter how despicable?
There is so much we need to be doing to make this world a better place. Saddam Husein stopped from oppressing and killing people is a good thing. His execution by hanging does nothing for the world.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Donald Trump is Loser of the Week
Money does not give someone class! In response to Rosie O'Donnell stating reasons why "the Donald" isn't the best "moral compass for 20-year-olds in America", Trump strikes back loud and nasty! Trump had to hit every major network and take the time to call Rosie fat, untalented, and a name it! What a big baby! Donald Trump is my loser of the week...perhaps year!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
The Night Before Christmas Eve
The presents are all wrapped. My back is so tired. When I started wrapping yesterday, each present got ribbon and a bow. Tonight, they were lucky to get a stick-on bow! Each year I swear to begin this ritual earlier. Each year I seem to start it later. I was lucky to finish my shopping early, but early wrapping was just not in the cards. I am a little sadder this Christmas as my Aunt Gloria, who passed away, will not be here for dinner. I kept wanting to add her favorite foods to my shopping cart. Christmas seems a little sadder each year as I get older. So many Christmas songs don't help either. They remind me of past Christmases when everyone was here and alive. I have had so many wonderful holidays in the past, I guess I shouldn't really complain. I guess I just feel a little more mortal each Christmas. I hope that whoever is reading this right now will be on this earth next Christmas. I sure hope I am!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Is this Jesus?
Mike was about to make a baloney sandwich when he came across this. Is that the face of Jesus? We may never know now, because before I knew it... it was between two pieces of bread and down Mike's gullet!
San Francisco
San Francisco
Originally uploaded by disneybear.
I was fooling around with a computer program called Scrapbook Designer that I got recently. It allows you to create scrapbook pages, and many other creations.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Ask Disneybear
Danny B. writes:
Favorite Time of day?
Favorite Season?
Favorite Song?
Changes, but currently Why Me by Olivia Newton-John
Favorite Christmas Memory?
Getting the thing I wanted most for Christmas. My parents would not give me what I wanted most on Christmas morning. Later in the day they would surprise me with my most favorite gift that year. I was spoiled rotten!
Favorite Place to which you have travelled?
Southern California, but London comes a close second.
If you could do ANYTHING with your life, what would you do?
Live on throughout history for doing something.
Ask Disneybear
I have decided to add a question and answer session to my blog. You can now ask Disneybear any question and I will answer! I have added some fun answers just to get started!
Ask a Question
Read My Answers
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Ask Disneybear
Sleep with or without clothes on?
Prefer black or blue pens?
Dress up on Halloween?
Like to travel?
Favorite Color?
Orange, sometimes blue
Who sleeps with you every night?
Dogs sometime, sometimes Mike
Think you're attractive?
When I am thinner
Want to get married?
I am married
Are you a good student?
Are you currently happy?
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on?
no, yes
Norwood, MA
Christmas or Halloween?
Colored or black-and-white photo?
Do long distance relationships work?
Do you believe in astrology?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
Do you drink?
Not often
Do you smoke?
Never, can't stand it!
Do you make fun of people?
I have
Do you think dreams eventually come true?
Favorite fictional character?
Go to the movies or rent?
Have you ever moved?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Unfortunately, Yes
How's the weather right now?
Last time you cut your hair?
1 Week ago
Last person you talked to on the phone?
My Mother-in-Law
Last time you showered?
Last Night
Loud or soft music?
Mcdonalds or Burger King?
Night or day?
Number of pillows?
Piano or guitar?
Friday, December 15, 2006
Teppanyaki Dining
Tonight we went to a wonderful Japanese restaurant, Teppanyaki Asian Cuisine, in Franklin. This was a small holiday get together with our great friends, Susan and Richard. It was delicious! When we go to Walt Disney World we always catch a dinner at Teppanyaki Dining Room, the Japanese restaurant there, but this one was even better! They give you so much food! But of course I ate almost everything in sight! Even with chopsticks!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
 When I met my partner Mike 11 years ago, I also became friends with a wonderful bear named Hal Hillman. Sadly he passed away in early 2004 due to a heart attack. He had been sick for a while and was waiting for a new kidney. Mike and I miss him terribly. Here is a short slideshow I created of this wonderful, big lug!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Mary Poppins... Supernatural Terrorist?
My friend Michael sent me this link. You will never look at Mary Poppins the same way again! It's brilliant!
Friday, December 08, 2006
A Christmas Tree
Yesterday we decided to get our Christmas tree. We first talked about whether we should get an artificial one or a live one. I like the look of a real tree... but the work it is to get it in the stand, keep it watered, and the cleanup had me leaning to a fake tree. We decided to go to Sears and buy one. We found one that we liked, and it wasn't in stock. This prompted a search at Lowes, Home Depot, Macy's, J.C. Penny, Walmart, and Target! I was exhausted from our search! When we returned home I ordered the one we liked at Sears online. A real tree would have been much less hassle!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Mitt Romney... The Rugged Sportsman?
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. I was flipping through the cable channels when I came across Governor Mitt Romney on ESPN's Charlie Moore Show. Mitt and Charlie were kibitzing about fishing and then went water skiing. How I hate our Governor and his dumb ass grin. He is so obviously trying to show how he is just like the down home, middle Americans, he is courting to vote for him in the next presidential election. He has done that since the day he arrived here in Massachusetts. What bugs me is that he is so obvious about it, and comes across so insincere. Last week he was grandstanding against gay marriage. I truly believe that he really doesn't stand for anything. All he wants is to be president... and he will pander to anyone who will listen. It's disgusting. I think I just threw up again. Â
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Julia Sweeney
I saw Julia Sweeny on The View today. She has a new show out on CD about her spiritual trek from Catholicism to atheism. I have always found her funny, and it should make an interesting listen. I have heard from my friend Danny that her first show, God Said, Ha!, is great and would like to hear that one also someday. I believe it deals with the death of her brother from cancer and her diagnosis of cancer at the same time. None of these issues sound very funny, but she is a talented comedian, and it will be interesting to hear her take on them!
Kudos: Julia Sweeney
Blogging in the Library
I am here at the Norwood Library reading a book about blogging... while I blog this! How weird is that? It is just one of the many ironies of my life!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Feeling Better
Well I am feeling much better, although awfully tired. They had to intubate me during surgery and they really injured my larynx. I had a constant tickle in my throat. My sides were sore from coughing so much. That has thankfully healed. I have a large hole in my buttocks that has to be kept open to drain. Yuck! I don't wish an abscess on anyone! I know, I have shared more information than you really wanted to read. I just hope this is the beginning of the end to my problems down there! Mike has been waiting on both me and my mother. I have felt so helpless. I can't wait till I can sit comfortably. Thank you all for your well wishes!