Friday, March 30, 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Favorite Cookies

I have great memories of cookies I ate as a child. One of my all time favorites was called Gauchos by Burry Foods. It was an oGauchosatmeal cookie with a peanut butter filling. I have found that the Girl Scouts are putting out a cookie that is almost identical in look and taste.

Burry Foods must have had me in mind when they were baking, because I have fond memories of two of their other products, Scooter Pies and Fudge Town cookies. Scooter Pies were sort of two graham crackers sandwiched together with marshmallow and covered in very cheap chocolate.  Fudge Towns were chocolate cookies with a chocolate middle. I used to love pushing the chocolate out with my pinkie from the cookie's center hole.

 Scooter PiesFudge Town







And so my weight gain began!

                       Now to find some Girls Scouts!

Monday, March 26, 2007

John Edwards Should Drop Out

John Edwards said he and his wife decided together to go forward with his campaign, and that he was in the race " for the duration."

John Edwards is one of my favorite presidential candidates, but I feel he is making a terrible mistake. I think he should take this time to spend every moment with his dying wife, Elizabeth, not to mention his three children. The emotional support that the whole family needs to give one another during this crisis is a full time job. How can he possibly be there for his family while running for the presidency?  I think this shows he lacks true judgement and he has lost a lot of my respect.

Kudos: CNN

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Rosie O'Donnell!

Rosie O is 45 today! Thanks for making The View must-see tv!

The Crying American Idol Girl

Please! Someone give that girl a Prozac! The poor thing is miserable! I cry when I hear Sanjaya too, but she was so sad!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dancing with the Stars

I saw my first episode of Dancing with the Stars last night. It was O.K., but I don't think I will make it a habit. The pop music didn't seem to match up well with the performers. I don't know if it was their performances or if it was the music. They just didn't seem on the beat to me.  I think music without vocals would be a better choice anyway.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Taxes, Taxes

I haven't written anything for a bit because I have been bogged down in taxes! I have been getting my mother's ready, my father's trust, and mine. I am still not done. Figuring out capital gains is such a pain, especially if you sold a mutual fund that keeps reinvesting. The Scudder fund I sold doesn't automatically calculate them  for you as I hear some fund companies do now. It would be well worth it to find out which ones do before you buy into one. I need an aspirin!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

General Peter Pace is Loser of the Week

General Peter Pace says that gays shouldn't be in the military because homosexuality is immoral. How is that a valid argument? What happened to separation of church and state? Has he forgotten that gays are risking their lives each and every day in the military?

General Peter Pace is our Loser of the Week.

Peter Pace Loser of the Week

Saturday, March 10, 2007

NAACP is Loser of the Week

A recent press release from the NAACP states that: "The NACCP Image Awards honors projects and individuals that promote diversity in the arts in television, recording, literature and motion pictures." Recent Image Award Winner, Isaiah Washington, was promoting diversity when he called a fellow Grey's Anatomy castmate a "faggot" and then lied that he said it twice on television?

The NAACP is my Loser of the Week.

My CompUSA Store is Closing!

I am in mourning. CompUSA is closing 6 of it's 7 Massachusetts stores. The only store left is far from me. While their prices weren't always that great, I have spent many hours looking for the next gadget or accessory at CompUSA stores near me. I love BestBuy, but they don't always have that cable or hard drive that you just have to have today. This truly is horrible news for someone who suffers from absolutely no delay in gratification! Where am I to shop now in Massachusetts? I guess I will be paying for overnight shipping from Newegg!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Fox News... The Real Spin Zone

How any American can continue to watch the clowns on FOX NEWS and think they are getting a "Fair and Balanced" take on anything is beyond me.

Kudos: News Corpse

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

How Can We Afford This?

Cost of the War in Iraq


To see more details, click here.


Kudos: National Priorities Project

Walter Reed Hospital

All we heard from the right wing wackos was how only they "Support the Troops", while Walter Reed Hospital was a disgrace under their watch. Outrageous!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Ann Coulter is Loser of the Week

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I -- so kind of an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards," Ann Coulter

As long as conservatives continue to support morons like Ann Coulter they have ZERO credibility to intelligent people.

Ann Coulter is my Loser of the Week

Kudos: Danny B.

Friday, March 02, 2007

America...What Where You Thinking?

Tonight America decided to keep Antonella Barba and Sanjaya Malakar in the running for the winners of American Idol. I don't get it. Each of these performers is weaker than the contestants that were voted off tonight. They both consistently show each week that their voices are not up to the challenge. Please America... vote for the singing talent!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Beards Without Mustaches

Can I just say that having a beard without a mustache looks ridiculous? Sundance Head from American Idol is currently sporting this fashion mistake. It looks silly on an Amish person and even on the great emancipator, Abraham Lincoln.