Sunday, September 03, 2006

Kathy Griffin On The A List


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Tonight we went with our friend Chuck to see Kathy Griffin at the South Shore Music Circus. When we arrived I though I was at a bear event, because so many of our bear friends were also attending that night. In fact, I would say it was one of the most successful bear events I have attended recently, and it wasn't even listed anywhere! About the show...what can I say? The show was fantastic! I generally do not like stand up comedy, but Kathy's brand of celebrity dish is right up my alley. She has the courage to say what we are all actually thinking about those crazy Hollywood stars. I was a little worried that I had heard all her dish having seen all her Bravo and HBO specials, as well as her series, My Life on the D List. To my wonderful surprise, it was very fresh. I love how she continues a story from a previous encounter she has had with a celeb. She makes us feel that we are all her "girlfriends" and is updating the latest info. I wonder how it plays to people who don't follow her, but our audience seemed to be with her all the way.  I will definitely go out of my way to see her whenever she is in town. Kathy Griffin is strictly "A List" in my book!

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