Friday, November 03, 2006

Pastor Ted Haggard and the Evangelical Movement are Losers of the Week


New Life Church's acting pastor said Friday that the Rev. Ted Haggard, his predecessor now embroiled in a gay-escort scandal, has acknowledged some of the accusations are true.

In an e-mail to congregants, Ross Parsley wrote that the church's four-member board of overseers had met with Haggard.

"It is important for you to know that he confessed to the overseers that some of the accusations against him are true. He has willingly and humbly submitted to the authority of the board of overseers, and will remain on administrative leave during the course of the investigation," the e-mail stated.



I am so sick of the insane evangelical movement! These holier than thou types continue to shove their beliefs and judgements in my face about my life. Why does religion get so protected by the government? They have more protections than I do as a gay American. What is even scarier is the people who follow this branch of religion. The followers throw out science and common sense and they send money to their hypocritical leaders, like Ted Haggard. America...wake up! These people are trying to take away our constitutional rights to freedom, while they hide behind their rights to freedom of religion.

Ted Haggard and the evengelical momement are my losers of the week.

Kudos: Planet Out

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