Friday, January 12, 2007

Head Cold

My head is about to explode! The sinus pressure and watery eyes are making me crazy. Where is my Sudafed? Dear Mike went out and tried to buy me some remedies. He bought me Sudafed PE and the CVS brand of a decongestant. I read the box on the Sudafed PE..."Does not contain Pseudoephedrine". What? How can you sell something called something that doesn't contain that something? What's next? Jiff Peanut Butter..."Does not contain peanuts?" Yes, I watch the news. I know that they have put products behind the counter that contain pseudoephedrine because I might decide to make crystal meth while I am coughing and wheezing, but this is ridiculous! Call it something else, because it sure does not work as well as the Sudafed I bought the last time. Somebody say "God Bless You" and please don't touch your nose after reading this!

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