Friday, April 06, 2007

HoHos vs Yodels vs Swiss Cake Rolls


     As some of you know I have been on a quest recently to find my favorite foods that I remember as a child. This week I did a taste test between Hostess HoHos, Drake's Yodels, and Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls... three versions of what would be known in the snack food world as swiss rolls. While it is interesting to note that Hostess and Drake are now owned by the same parent company, Hohos and Yodels do taste different. Drakes Yodels are some of the most artificial tasting snacks that you will ever eat.The chocolate coating tastes like hardened wax, and the cream filling is not plentiful enough. I would say that Hostess HoHos are a definite improvement. The outer coating tastes a bit like chocolate and the cream filling tastes better and is more abundant.  By a large margin though, the winner is Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls! The chocolate tastes like chocolate and the filling is sweet and creamy. What I don't get is that none of them taste as I remember them. They all leave an aftertaste that I don't remember as a kid. In fact all the products from these companies taste different than I remember. I know that many recipes changed when companies started using corn syrup as a sweetener rather than cane sugar. I wonder if that has happened to snack foods and I wonder when did they make the change?  Perhaps my palate just prefers better food now, but I wonder if the recipes have in fact changed.

Next week...Zingers vs Twinkies!

Just Kidding, it is really time for an entry on how I am doing on my diet!

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