Monday, July 16, 2007

The Gift that is Paula Abdul

Hey Paula!  Do you have anybody in the myriad of the assistants you employ who actually have your best interests at heart? I think not. The travesty that is your reality show, Hey  Paula is amazing! If you are trying to show us that you are not on drugs, you have failed miserably. Fire that loser of a PR person immediately! He does not have a clue of what should be released in the show.  And please, will you straight up, grow up! You are rude to the people who work for you. You whine about an exhaustive schedule that you approve. You are tired all the time, but don't schedule any sleep. You can't find food and feed yourself. You never have any money and have the audacity to ask fans for it. You are always late. And again, you have no idea how to present yourself in public! You claim that you are a role model for young people. Heaven help us! Even if you meant it just in jest the statement on your first episode seems to sum up your own spoiled perception of yourself. "I’m tired of people not treating me like the gift that I am.” Well Paula, many of us are tired too. Tired of celebrities complaining, when they have no idea what the real world is like. Hey Paula....take a nap and and keep your mouth shut.

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