Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Muhammad-The Cartoon Peacemaker?


 I don't understand this whole Muhammad as a cartoon thing. Islam is interpreted to forbid any illustrations of Muhammad for fear they could lead to idolatry. How do they expect non-Muslims to honor this? This is the first time many people have ever heard of it! The idea that you can control other people because of your belief has been shown throughout history to be futile. Muslims should know this more than anyone. Don't they remember the crusades? Christians haven't been able to convert and control Muslims for years-why should Muslims be any more successful?

The drawings, including one depicting the prophet wearing a turban shaped as a bomb, have now encited violence among Muslims. Seven people have died this week in Afghanistan during demonstrations. This is madness-no matter what your beliefs!  Where is the outrage from Muslim clerics? Shouldn't the higher ups in Islam speak out against this violence? Wouldn't they want to reject any idea that their belief system encouraged violence?  Do they want us to hold the image of Muhammad with a bomb on his head as the truth?  Hypocrisy, no matter what your belief, will never win over anyone.

Kudos: YahooNews

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