Thursday, March 16, 2006

Happy 60th Birthday Liza!

Liza Minnelli is 60 years old! I can't believe it! I fell in love with her when she was only 28! I can still remember the first time I saw her in concert. It was at The Music Hall in Boston (now the Wang Center). I had really bad seats up in the nose bleed art060227_198b.jpgsection of the theatre. From the moment she came on the stage and began an a cappella rendition of How Long Has This Been Going On?... I new I was seeing something special. I had her record albums and thought she was great, but in concert was a different story. The woman is like no other performer in front of an audience. Her voice was so powerful back then and the show was a tour de force of singing, dancing, and acting. I loved it so much I begged my parents to take me again on another night! Throughout the years I never missed a performace on television or at a local theatre. I have been lucky enough to meet her backstage several times and she has always been one of the most gracious and genuine people I have ever met. Onstage and off, Liza Minnelli always gives 110 percent of her energy. I don't know where she gets it! One of the highlights in my life was seeing my first Broadway play, The Rink, starring Liza and Chita Rivera. Other great Liza moments where when she performed at Radio City Music Hall and Carnegie Hall. Yes, we have all heard of her trials and tribulations, but I feel that she often gets a bum rap. She is no more or less immune to the ups and downs of life than you or I... but she is a hellava lot more talented! Happy Birthday Liza!

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