Monday, March 20, 2006

Remembering Jean Bailey

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A dear friend of mine passed away today. Her name was Jean Bailey, although she will always be Aunt Jean to me. I became friends with her when I went to visit a school friend out in California in 1982. Jean was my friend's real aunt, but she quickly took me under her wing as well. We became fast friends and I started staying with her summers while I started my acting career. When I finally moved to L.A. in 1984, I stayed with Aunt Jean and her daughter Beverly until I found my own apartment. Jean was always welcoming to me and one of the sweetest people I have ever known. She always had laughter in her voice, no matter what her troubles. She had endless amounts of energy and is probably the first person I have ever met who actually could talk more than myself! My heart and love go out to her children: Freddy, Beverly, and Bobby, their spouses, and Jean's numerous grand children. A beautiful rose has left us.


There are a couple more photos of Jean on my Flikr account.

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