Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Back to SSSchool!

Last night was my first in classroom experience at Quincy College. I have been so lucky to have been able to take most of my prerequisites for their nursing program online. Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to transfer any more classes in, so I had to take this last course, microbiology, at the college. I haven't been in a physical classroom since my last attempt at nursing in 1993 so I was a little apprehensive. The class meets Mondays and Wednesdays, with a lab portion on Thursdays. Each class is four hours long, and after last night feels like eight! When I first saw the professor I was relieved to find that he spoke english quite clearly. I have had to drop classes in the past because english was their second language, and they hadn't quite mastered it yet! Well my joy was short lived, because as soon as we got settled, my english speaking professor began to stt.. stt... stutter! Oh my God! Every other sentence takes forever for him to get out! He is really nice, but the stuttering gets unbearable after about an hour. I am also finding that I have trouble sitting that long. My bad back starts to ache, and I get really uncomfortable. There will only be a midterm and a final, and the professor bases everything on his notes that you can download in class to a zip drive, so it seem ridiculous that I have to sit there when I could be at home reading the book and his notes. I really have adapted to online learning and very much prefer it. Thank God it is only for 5 weeks! Well, I better go stt... stt... study!

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