Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Another 4th! They seem to come closer and closer together now. We went to the Walpole Fireworks Spectacular last night. We almost didn't go due to a strong thunderstorm a few hours before, but it cleared up. Walpole puts on an amazing show and we always have a good time when we link up with our friends, Karen and Ron, who always save us a place with the best viewing. Mike's Mom and Dad also joined us, so it was even more special. I am coming along after my surgery. I am so sick of protein drinks, but only have to drink them for a few more days. I can't wait till I am on full solid food, even if it won't be the amounts I used to eat! I wish everyone a happy and safe holidayJul032008_0010.JPG

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