Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Dave Crow of Trading Spouses is Loser of the Week
Dave Crow of Fox's Trading Spouses is my vote for loser of the week! This man is verbally abusive to his wife and children. He spends time with his older son, while completely ignoring his two younger children. At one point the whole family goes on a golfing expedition. Big, macho, Dave thinks it's appropriate to call his youngest son a "sissy" and criticize his performance. The son has to defend himself and says, "I've never golfed before, Dad!" Dave Crow of Belgrade, Montana is my Loser of the Week!
Felicity Huffman Deserves An Oscar!
Last night my friend Danny and I saw the movie Transamerica. I had wanted to see this film because I had heard that Felicity Huffman’s performance had Oscar winning potential. Well I wholeheartedly agree. Ms. Huffman, as Bree the transsexual, is spectacular! I really believed that I was watching a pre-op transsexual! The film has many touching moments, as well as many humorous ones.
I would also like to give a shout out to Fionnula Flanagan. Ms. Flanagan plays Bree’s mother, and you haven’t seen such an overbearing, insensitive mum since Fay Dunaway as Joan Crawford! Flannigan’s performance is not as over the top as Dunaway’s however, and is much more truthful. I hope they both get nominated for awards!!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Fourth Week on the Diet
Current Weight: 259 lbs Weight Loss This Week: 2 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far:Â 6 lbs
I didn't meet my exercise goal of 2000 calories this week but I still lost weight. I do fine until the night time. If I could just stop eating after 7 PM, I know I would lose faster. The night time is when I really want chips or crackers of some sort, and cheese. Yikes, I gotta switch my desire to fruit!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
NBC Cancels Book of Daniel After 3 Episodes
Sorry AFA, NBC didn't cancel The Book of Daniel because of your efforts. They cancelled it because the show was just plain lousy. I tried to like it. I watched it every week and it was just bad. It had a great cast, but the writing was atrocious! The story lines were unbelievable and most of the dialog was laughable. It really seemed to be trying too hard to be good. I have to admit that this past episode was the best. There were two great moments. First, a great speech by Daniel about the loss of his mother's mind to Alzheimer's disease. Second, a great scene between Daniel and his adopted Asian son. Daniel comes to the conclusion he needs to be a father to his child, more than a best friend. Perhaps if it was given a little more time, it might have developed into something. I doubt it though. It tried to be a drama with funny situations, but it never pulled it off. There were also way too many story lines going on from the beginning. The American Family Association is happy tonight, but as usual... they are delusional.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
A Star Is Reborn
Last night I watched one of my favorite movies, A Star is Born, starring Judy Garland and James Mason. I loved this movie as a kid and I have fond memories of seeing the restored version in 1983. I attended a major re-premiere of the film at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Theater in Beverly Hills. I dont know how I was able to wrangle a ticket, but I am sure glad I did! I rented a tux, parked my rental car down the street, and walked to the Samuel Goldwyn Theater. I was very excited as I walked past the photographers on the red carpet and into the lobby. Inside there were many stars congregating, drinking champagne, and eating hors 'deurves. I remember seeing James Mason, Gregory Peck, Maureen Stapleton, Rock Hudson, Vincente Minnelli, Liza Minnelli, and Lorna Luft. I talked to Liza about how much I enjoyed her work, and to Lorna Luft about Extremities, the play she was starring in with Farah Fawcett Off-Broadway.
At one point I had to visit the men's room... and ended up talking to Rock Hudson at the urinal! I was just his type back then-young and blonde-thank goodness nothing happened or I wouldnt be writing this today! I remember being appalled at the way the stars drank and ate like pigs! Maureen Stapleton was exceptionally piggish...stuffing chocolates in her face, and at one point, ripping fruit off a centerpiece until it fell apart and crashed to the floor! I met a black women that told me she was the girl who danced with Judy Garland in the Lose That Long Face number.  The song was cut from the film and was now restored after 30 years. Talk about paying your dues! Eventually, it was time to be seated in the theater. I was ushered down to a great seat next to Vincente Minnelli! I didnt talk to him because he seemed frail, and was kind of propped up in his seat.
Liza spoke about how her mother felt when they cut out Lose That Long Face..."She was very upset and I tried to calm her down. She came up to my room. I didnt know what to do - you know that helpless feeling - because I didn't understand what it meant. So I put my arms around her, and I said, 'What is it? Can I help?' And she said, 'they just dont care.'" Liza looked out over us in the audience and said, "Obviously they do care - very much." The money that was raised from showings of the restored version of A Star is Born was going toward further film restorations. Many films made before 1950 have been lost forever due to their deteriorating film stock. Earlier in the evening, Fay Kanin, the president of the academy, said, "The 80s is the decade of preservation."
God bless Ron Haver, the man who tracked down 20 minutes of the missing 27 minutes of the film. In 1982 he spent over 8 months, searching more than 1600 film cans, looking for the footage at the Warner studio lot.
I remember Lorna spoke of trying to track down missing footage herself, and Joey Luft saying he was, "still in his mothers stomach," while the film was being made.
Words cannot express my feelings and the electric energy of the room, when the film actually began. I was mesmerized. The print was gorgeous! The soundtrack glorious! Thunderous applause occurred after every musical number. I never wanted it to end!
I really felt that I was a part of an important Hollywood event... sitting in that seat...with Vincente Minnelli leaning up against me!
Recommended links:
A Star Is Born : The Making of the 1954 Movie and Its 1983 Restoration
The Judy Room: A Star is Born
A Star is Born Walkthrough
A Star is Born
A Star is Modern
Stillettos and Sneakers: A Tribute to A Star is Born
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Third Week On The Diet
Current Weight: 261 lbs Total Weight Loss: 4 lbs
I am struggling with my portion sizes. I like a lot of food. I am also struggling with eating enough fruits and vegetables. I so want a cracker instead. The exercise is coming along. I can walk about 2.5 miles without much trouble. My goal is to lose 4 lbs this week!
Disney World Opens New Website On Expedition Everest
Walt Disney World has opened a new website about its newest attraction, Expedition Everest. The attraction is scheduled to open early this year at Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom. Animal Kingdom is my least favorite park at Walt Disney World. The attractions are spread all over the park, with a lot of nothin' in between. Expedition Everest will hopefuly add a much needed boost to Disney's Zoo!
Kudos: Expedition Everest
Monday, January 16, 2006
Brokeback Mountain Still Going Strong
Apparently even a Utah Theater banning the film, can't stop folks from seeing the picture. What I find interesting is that they will show the movie Hostel, with it's violence and sex scenes, but won't show a beautiful, intelligent, film, like Brokeback Mountain. As I get older the hypocrisy of things really innerves me.
Kudos: Box Office Mojo
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
I decided that I needed a little help on this diet plan. I rejoined Health Management Resources (HMR) for that support. In 1996 I went on their liquid diet and lost weight...51 lbs fast. After 3 months on the liquid diet I entered their maintenance program and lost an additional 29 lbs.. for a total of 80 lbs. I managed to keep it off for about 2 years. I don't feel up to a liquid diet again, but I can definitely can use their help. Their maintenance program is sensible, does not forbid any foods, and is easy to follow in the long term. The biggest thing I learned was keeping records of what you eat.
When I stopped keeping records the weight came back. I don't know if I will be their poster child ever again though!
Gene Shalit Apologizes For The Term "Sexual Predator"
Today, The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation(GLAAD) said it received a statement from Gene Shalit, saying, "In describing the behavior of "Jack" I used words ("sexual predator") that I now discover have angered, agitated, and hurt many people. I did not intend to use a word that many in the gay community consider incendiary. . . . I certainly had no intention of casting aspersions on anyone in the gay community or on the community itself. I regret any emotional hurt that may have resulted from my review of 'Brokeback Mountain.' " Bravo to Mr. Shalit... we retract our accusation that he is a loser!
Kudos: GLAAD
First Week On The Diet
Current Weight: 263 Weight Loss: 2
I started gung ho on the diet and exercise early in the week. I had an ingrown toenail so that curbed my treadmill for the rest of the week. I still managed to overeat on most days so I am lucky that I lost anything. My daily goals are to eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day, burn at least 300 calories during exercise a day, and write everything I eat down. I am working on my portion sizes, but find it very difficult. It is also very hard not to munch at night! My goal weight loss for this week will be 3 lbs.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
First Loser Of 2006... Gene Shalit
In his review of Brokeback Mountain, Gene Shalit claims,"Jack, who strikes me as a sexual predator, tracks Ennis down and coaxes him into sporadic trysts." What? Did he see this movie? It's a tragic love story, stupid.
I am so sick of people trying to demonize homosexual love. Gay People are called child molester's, sexual deviants, and sexual predators, all the time. When will the straight community get it through their heads... homosexuality is much more than a sex act! It is not a "behavior", it is a whole personality trait! Unless you have the attention span of a grape nut, anyone who sees Brokeback Mountain will understand that it is the love that Jack and Ennis have for one another that keeps them getting together... and not just sex. Was Romeo and Julliet a story about sexual predators?
If Gene Shalit wants to reduce Brokeback Mountain to a story only about a sexual predator... again, I ask, did he see this movie? To be blunt, it is the Ennis character that "tops" the Jack character. If Ennis wasn't into Jack (pun intended), I seriously doubt that he would be "up" to the challenge! Which leads me to another issue I would like to set straight for the "straight" community. Mom... don't read this. Homosexuality is not about anal sex! Gay people can use a wide variety of ways to pleasure their partners...just as straight people. There are many gay people, lesbians included, that never get near the "back door". Reducing one's sexual orientation or relationship to a list of behaviors is irresposible and shows a total lack of respect for one's fellow man and woman. When two people fall in love, sex is just the icing on the cake.
Kudos: NBC
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Which Desperate Housewife Are You?
I just took a quiz to find out which Desperate Housewife I am. I figured I would probably be a Susan, and sure enough I am. If I were straight, the quiz says I should be married to Lynette... I can see that too, but if I were single I would want Carlos!! Carlos is hot!! I really enjoy this show. I loved Sex and the City and this has become my replacement since that ended.
Susan...My Alter Ego?
Lynette...my Wife?
Kudos: ABC
Monday, January 02, 2006
A New Year for Weight Loss
The New Year is here and I am really gonna lose weight in the next 12 months! I figure if I write it here, I might be more successful. I used my old, dusty treadmill yesterday and today. I am also writing down everything I am eating. My start weight is 265 and my goal is 180... a total of 85lbs to lose! I plan to exercise everyday and eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. I hope that this is the last time I have to do this. I have lost this weight at least 3 time now! I will create a separate catagory or those of you who would like to follow my weight loss.