Sunday, January 29, 2006

Felicity Huffman Deserves An Oscar!

breeLast night my friend Danny and I saw the movie Transamerica.  I had wanted to see this film because I had heard that Felicity Huffman’s performance had Oscar winning potential. Well I wholeheartedly agree. Ms. Huffman, as Bree the transsexual, is spectacular!  I really believed that I was watching a pre-op transsexual! The film has many touching moments, as well as many humorous ones.

I would also like to give a shout out to Fionnula Flanagan. Ms. Flanagan plays Bree’s mother, and you haven’t seen such an overbearing, insensitive mum since Fay Dunaway as Joan Crawford! Flannigan’s performance is not as over the top as Dunaway’s however, and is much more truthful. I hope they both get nominated for awards!!

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