Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today my mother is 84! We took her out to the Country Buffet for dinner. We would have taken her someplace a little fancier, but she was in jeans and didn't want to change, so the buffet it was! She is in pretty good shape considering she had such a devastating stroke in 2003. I wish her many more birthdays!

Dieting again

I gained back 6 pounds! I have let the shock of diabetes leave me for the past week or so. I am back on watching what I eat and writing it down. 2008 has to be the year that I finally get it together. Nursing school will be so tough if I can't fit into a patient's room! I currently am at 260 and need to get to 185. I've done it 3 times before, maybe the 4th is a charm. Goodbye bread, hello salad!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas Cards

Okay, I am going to show my true Scrooge. Please don't send me a Christmas card with a picture of your children unless you are in it too. Since you are my friend, I want to see what YOU look like, and not just your kids. Hey, I like kids, but until they can send their own cards, I really don't want to see them by themselves. Sometimes I can't even identify who the card is from since I really don't know your baby, or 2 year old. Bah Humbug!

P.S. And don't get me started on your Christmas letter and what the kids are up to!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Make Your Own Dancing Elf

I just made this fun animated card! Make your own at!


Thursday, November 29, 2007


I can't stand copayments! Mike and my insurance costs have been outrageous lately. I have had to look through a maze of options for us. One thing I don't see is the need for all these various copayments! Isn't the fortune we pay per month enough to cover expenses? I understand having a deductible which would lower costs for us and the insurance companies, but if I am paying an arm and a leg each month, why do I always have to pay a copayment? It seems no matter how much you pay, you always get them. Now that I have diabetes, the more frequent office visits I must attend and the copays on the drug prescriptions are really going to add up. According to Wikipedia, "A copayment, or copay, is a flat dollar amount paid for a medical service by an insured person. Insurance companies use copayments to share health care costs to prevent moral hazard. Though the copay is often only a small portion of the actual cost of the medical service, it is thought to prevent people from seeking medical care that may not be necessary (eg: an infection by the common cold), which can result in substantial savings for insurance companies. The underlying philosophy is that with no copay, the perception is that medical care is "free" and then is used more often." Free? The insurance is definitely not free! I need an incentive not to go to go to the doctor more often? Is this totally crazy or what? Yes, there are hypochondriacs out there, but most of us are not. I just love writing a check each month to someone that believes I am a "moral hazard"! How nice of them to still take my money. While I am on the subject, so many of the plans require me to ask my doctor if I want to see another doctor. Again, I am not to be trusted because I might actually seek out care I don't need.  I really think for the amount of money involved, I should be treated with a little more respect. Insurance is looking like a scam more and more to me each day. Perhaps they should do away with it all together and just make the health care more affordable. The money that we send to these crooks each month would probably fair much better in a health savings account.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Not Much To Say

I haven't anything exciting to write lately. We made if through Thanksgiving without a scratch. I cooked most of the food, including the turkey the night before. It was a cinch to reheat.  I always had trouble getting everything done at the same time, but reheating seems to make the task easier. Mom is hanging in there and seems to be over her terrible cold. I am eating too much again, and got to lose this weight as my sugar levels have been good lately. My Hardy Boy Collection has grown leaps and bounds. I am having fun rereading all the stories. I really have nothing witty to say, nor do I have some pressing need to write about some injustice. I am sure something will come my way soon!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Mikey!

Today my life-partner of 12 years is 42! He is just as cute as the day I met him. If you see this man wish him...

Happy Birthday!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Hardy Boys - My latest fad!

When I was a young teenager I began reading my older brother's Hardy Boys books. They had quite a few and I added the ones that they were missing. I was very proud of my 58 book collection, but as I became an adult it seemed silly to hang onto them. I gave them to my nephew. I really wish that I had hung onto them because I have this great desire to reread them. And so begins my quest! In the late 50's and throughout the 60's the company that owned the rights to the series systematically began rewriting all the stories! Some were modernized, while others became a completely different story! It is the original editions that I am after and through the wonders of eBay I am becoming quite successful... and substantially poorer. With the cost of shipping it seems to work out that I buy them in lots, take the ones I need, and sell back the rest. I am going to have some nice sets up on auction soon. Most of the editions I had as a kid had blue pictorial covers. While I am interested in recreating that collection, I am also interested in collecting the really cool, dust-jacketed editions from the 40's and 50's. They have a yellow spine and wonderful graphics depicting the boys in one of their capers. If you know of any good used bookstores for me to check or happen to be at a yard sale please keep your eye out for them! Below are a couple of pics from the dust jacketed versions.

Monday, November 05, 2007

A walk in Brookline

A walk in Brookline

Originally uploaded by Scott Fisher.

Sent from my iPhone

I got to my doctors appointment early ( I had the wrong time). I am on

a walk for a bit and this is what I found!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fred Phelps .. The Music Video

I almost forget this wonderful gem from Fred Phelps, The Westboro Church.

I truly hope they get sued from Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie for this blatant rip-off of their song, We Are The World.

"Reverend" Fred Phelps Finally Gets Some Discomfort!

I am so glad that this moron and his church are finally getting hit back for a change. They are despicable human beings and have caused so much pain and suffering to people around the globe with their message of hate. I truly hope that they lose any appeals that they may pursue.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bionic Woman Again

Tonight I watched another episode of NBC's Bionic Woman and a few things are still really bothering me about this show. Firstly, I am really sick of the camera work, especially during the fight scenes. It is so jerky and nauseating! Must they make me sick every time Jaime gets in a fight? This brings me to the second thing that bothers me. Why do we have to have all these extended martial arts fight scenes? Producers! She is bionic. She can take out an enemy with one hand! Enough with all the kicking and punching! Each fight scene is presented as if she is going to be overpowered or something. It is ridiculous that we have to have these extended fight scenes. And finally, let Isaiah Washington's contract go. At this point, it is not even for the reason that he is a lying, homophobe. He is an awful actor that brings nothing to the show. He mumbles most of his lines, and has created a character that is not needed and is very unappealing. In tonights episode we added a love interest for Jaime, the CIA agent. Not only is he pleasant to look at, but they have a nice chemistry together. Have him join up with our gal and get rid of our boy Isaiah. You just might have the makings of a show.

Michelle Ryan as The Bionic Woman

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The White House Edits Out Science...Again.

The current administration just does not want to face the facts about global warming. All they seem concerned about is staying in a war with people who never attacked us. From faith based initiatives to this current censorship, our government wants to create its own reality. We really need to get these fanatics out of power!

Kudos: Yahoo! News

Monday, October 22, 2007

Bye Bye Summer

Leaves have begun to fall all over my yard. Oh, how I hate that! I am really happy just two months of the year... July and August. That gives me 10 months of weather that I don't like. My roots are here, but my weather happiness lies in another climate. When I lived in California I loved the weather there, but I didn't like the traffic or the cost of living. I enjoy Florida, but the humidity is a killer and Florida is not as gay friendly as Massachusetts. Still, I would rather be hot than cold. For now, I am here taking care of my Mom... which is fine. I wonder if we will ever move in the future. It  would be hard to be away from our friends and family. As we get older it seems we get attached to what we know. The thought of changing doctors, dentists, and health insurance does not sound fun and will probably get more unappealing as we grow deeper into our middle ages. I think however that sunshime will be a big motivator for me in the future. Time will tell.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

So Dumbledore is Gay

Wow! One of the most beloved children's books has a lead gay character! He not only is gay, but he is not a villain for once. This gives the religious right even more reason to hate the Harry Potter Series!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Judy Francesconi New Lesbian Calendar Out!

My dear friend Judy Francesconi has just published her 2008 Lesbian Calendar. I thought I would give her a plug since I just finished her website, and all the links will help her out too. I also designed the cover of this year's calendar so it is about me too!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Busy Busy

I haven't written in the longest time because my mother has been under the weather. She had a cold about 3 weeks ago that began after a fall, and she has still not recovered. Tomorrow the physical therapist comes, and we will decide if we really need to go to a doctor. She does seem to be getting better, but it is very slow. I have also been working on a new website for my friend, Judy Francesconi. She is a professional photographer with a specialty in lesbian fine art photography.  You can check out her site that I made, but be forewarned,  her site contains nudity. As soon as things settle down here a bit, I hope to write more interesting entries for you all to read!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Another Birthday

Today I am 44. Did I just really write that? Last year I kept telling everyone I was 42...I really forgot how old I was. I don't think that will happen this year. I feel my age lately. My back hurts, my right heel is sore, I have diabetes, my hairline is receding, I have sleep apnea, I have gray hair in my beard, I have high cholesterol, and I can't seem to lose this middle age spread. If age is a progressive disease, I think I will be a mess by 50! I truly hope there are peaks and valleys to this roller coaster. 

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Bionic Woman

My favorite show as a child was The Bionic Woman starring Lindsay Wagner. The new fall season brings us a new incarnation simply called, Bionic Woman. So far I would say it is not an instant hit. I like the new lead, Michelle Ryan enough, but the rest of the cast leaves me pretty cold. I can't believe that they added the lying homophobe, Isaiah Washington,as Antonio Pope to the cast. He gets a new series for being a jerk on another? There are far more actor's available and willing to work  than rewarding this moron. I would also like to to comment on Miguel Ferrer's one note performance. He plays Jaime's Sommer's boss, Jonas Bledsoe. His performance is emotionless and totally unlikeable so far. Why would anyone work for him. The characters Jae Kim and Ruth are also, in my opinion totally unappealing. Katee Sackhoff who plays the first bionic woman, Sarah Corvus, does add a nice spark to an otherwise dull cast. One of the nice touches of the original series was how compassionate the original Jaime Sommers was. You really cheered for her at her triumphs and felt sad for her when she sometimes just wanted to be a regular gal and not work for a super secret agency and have a normal life... with regular body limbs. I would also like to mention how sick I am of the camera work on this show, as well as many others these days. It is just downright shaky! I think I first noticed this on NYPD Blue and now everyone does it. It is not so special anymore and I never liked it to begin with. The great cinematographers of the past new how to shoot a scene with a locked down camera. No amount of shaking can fix a boring scene.  It doesn't add anything to the scene other than to make me nauseous!

I wish that the powers that be got together and released the original series on DVD. That would be something to really watch. My rating on the new Bionic Woman? C-

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Signed up for the Nursing Program

Yesterday, I got to finally enroll in the Quincy College Nursing program. It is very strange how you actually get in. Basically you show up at 8 am with all your transcripts in hand and pay an application fee. There was a line at 8 AM and I was number 15. I will be accepted for the part-time class which begins in January 2009! It will take me 2 1/2 years from then. I wish that I could attend a bachelor's program instead of the associates, but there are no part-time programs in Massachusetts. After I have my R.N. there are online courses I can take for a B.S.N. Guess I will be in school forever! I am excited about what the future will bring. I think I will make a good nurse. It isn't my first choice of a career, but I really like to eat and make a regular salary. I don't think I want the fast pace of medical surgical or E.R, but working in a clinic of some kind sounds appealing. Time will tell.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Senator Tom Harkin is my Hero!

Bravo to Senator Tom Harkin for standing up and doing the right and just thing. His dressing down of General Peter Pace in regards to comments the general made back in the spring calling homosexuals "immoral" was a sight to behold.  It is not often we have the government called on the carpet for their stupid and insensitive remarks.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

My New Bottom Teeth

I opened this in my mail this week and it gave me quite a shock! I look so tired and old! My bottom teeth are spectacular though! Thanks to Doctor Simi I have a lasting before and after picture.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dickhead Donato Wins Big Brother

Well the a-hole that is Dick Donato won CBS's Big Brother this evening. What a waste of my whole summer it has been watching this show knowing this loser won. What is even more interesting to me is that for some weird reason, many people actually like him. The world is a sorry place when negative behavior gets rewarded. I am really looking forward to TV returning to more drama and comedy shows. Reality shows are now so boring.

Dick Donato is my Loser of the Week

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Reality TV Stars

I am really tired of people I can't stand winning reality shows. I guess it goes all the way back to Richard Hatch on the first Survivor. What an obnoxious jerk. Thankfully he got his comeuppance when he decided he didn't need to pay his taxes like everyone else, and was sent to prison. And who can forget the obnoxious Rob and Amber from Survivor, and later The Amazing Race

I have been watching CBS's Big Brother since it started several years ago. They have had their share or winning losers. There was the lying, scheming Dr. Will, as well as year's disgusting, on camera masturbating, Mike "Boogie" Malin. There are two finalists in this year's season of Big Brother that are obnoxious and have a good shot at winning. The are a father/daughter team known as Dick and Danielle Donato. Danielle is a smug, prima donna and her father is a washed up, gross, arrogant, disgusting pig. If either of them win the game, I may seriously consider not tuning in next year. I am sick and tired of bad behavior being rewarded. Just once, I would like the nice guy to finish first

Friday, September 07, 2007

Back to School

I am back to school this week. I am taking a computer web design class online! I wish I could get my nursing degree all online without ever leaving home. I think clinicals would be rather hard though. I would have to have sick people come stay with me for a while. The problem with the course is that it seems like it might be too easy for me. It is hard to be motivated when the material is boring. Perhaps as we get going, it will get harder. I am off for a walk and then cracking the books!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

For Andy

When my friend Andy read my blog about us doing over the computer room he noticed that I did not have a Dalek or a Bender robot on my shelf. He quickly put them in the mail to me! Thanks Andy! Here they are with their friends!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Selling My CD Collection

When I listen to music it is almost always on itunes. When I buy music, it is on itunes. I never play CDs anymore, so I am selling a  large amount of my CD collection on and They have been taking up so much space!

Monday, August 27, 2007

School Books

Today I drove to Quincy College to pick up my school books for the Fall semester. I guess I should have called first. I drove all the way in there and the books are not in stock yet. What a waste of a beautiful afternoon. At least I got to try the back way to the college. It will come in handy when traffic is bad...which is almost always these days on route 128! I am taking a course in computer web design. I needed a computer elective, and the school's Intro to Computers course sounded too easy for me. I hope I am not over my head with this course, though. Of course anything will be a piece of cake, compared to chemistry last semester! I know, many of you are waiting for the chemistry book burning video I promised. I just couldn't burn such an expensive book, so I sold it on Sorry about that. At least it is out of my sight for good! I hope this nice weather continues!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Without Love

This is my new favorite song. It is from Hairspray, The Movie. I would love a nice copy of the video clip, but I will have to wait till DVD, I guess. Amanda Bynes is priceless in the movie! Damn the movie industry made someone take this link down. Trust me, it is a cool and fun song! Below is the former youtube link.

The Computer Room

The last several days Mike and I have been doing over the computer room. All the gadgets I have require a large amount of desk real estate, and I sorely needed more. Not to mention that the room really needed a good cleaning. I don't know what it is, but electronics really do attract an awful amount of dust! It was so thick!  We spent two days looking around trying to find a desk large enough to fulfill my needs. We were having a terrible time. Everything was too small, too cheaply made, or too expensive. I called our friend Billy in California to see what he suggested. He and his partner Andy own a home business and use a lot of computers and desks. Billy recommended we try IKEA.  We hit the jackpot there! We bought this great kit that allows you to make the desk any size you want. We attached two corner desk tables and now have a desk/table for the whole side wall! It is a thing of beauty! I have a great office! Now there is no excuse for me to sell I have been meaning to on eBay.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Where is my Summer?

There is a chill in the air! And it is August! I live for two months of the year July and August because they are hot. What is with this weather? I long for my hot summer nights!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Diabetes Drugs

Yesterday my doctor put me on a diabetes drug and a cholesterol lowering medication. I am totally exhausted today. I did not sleep well, so I am hoping that is the reason for my unbelievable tiredness. It might also be the stress of the last few days. I am dedicated to losing weigh to try and get off the meds. I have been walking every day since my diagnosis and think I lost about two pounds. Time will tell. Some of you have written me after my last post. I am really OK. I don't like my diagnosis, but I will manage!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


I haven't written for a while as this has been a tough week for me. I recently learned that I have diabetes. I went for a yearly physical and my doctor discovered it during a routine blood test. I really am rather bummed. I know that being overweight is a risk factor, but I though I had other factors in my favor. Neither of my parents have it, nor does my brother. I have been pretty good with exercise since my early twenties. I also eat a large amount of vegetables and fruits. I don't drink, smoke, or take drugs. My only vice is food! I am going to have to seriously watch my carbohydrate intake. It is such a pain! It is not just sugary foods and junk, but good foods that have helped me diet in the past... such as potatoes, bananas, corn, and carrots. This really stinks and I can say I am not taking it very well. I hate being 43 and having a chronic condition already. I have spent a good time of my life worrying about other people's health and now I must worry about mine. And why food? It is one of my most pleasurable experiences. Gone are my days of food filled orgies! And I haven't even been on a cruise yet! Seriously, I am not happy! In some respects it is a big wake up call to eat  healthfully all the time, but I really could do without having to worry about anything else in my life. I promise to be more positive in the future, but this has been a major blow to my psyche.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Chemistry is Done!

Woohoo! No more Chemistry! I am SO happy! I wanna sing, I wanna dance! Stay tuned for a Chemistry book burning video soon!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Inside the Surge... Shocking

 This video is so disturbing. The old woman in the film reminds me of my mother and how terrified she would be as this woman was. Iraq needs to police their own country.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ask Disneybear

Michael Writes:

Favorite flavor ice cream?

Mint Chocolate Chip

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Braces Be Gone!

This morning I finally got my braces off of my lower teeth! It is so nice being able to rub my tongue over my bottom teeth without catching a brace! I had the braces put on in April of 2006. In 2005, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and was fitted with a CPAP machine. I used to sleep with my mouth open, but while using the machine I have to keep my mouth closed. I found that my massive tongue(I'm not bragging) had pushed my bottom teeth in front of my top teeth! The sleep apnea treatment ended up screwing up my bite and it was back to the orthodontist! I tell you I am a pretty sight to see at bedtime now. I wear a retainer on my top teeth, a new retainer on my lower teeth, and the sleep apnea mask. Kiss Me!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

My Dieting Talk

Today I was asked by my HMR dieting program to give a little talk! It really is quite funny since I have gained all the weight that I have lost in the program. I do think I still get something out of the classes though. It keeps me accountable and I probably would be a lot heavier if I didn't attend the weekly meetings. I think I am more likely to eat fruits and vegetables and to exercise my body because of the program. One of the great things HMR has taught me has been to keep a record of my food and exercise. When I actually do it... I lose weight! Now, if I could only get on track and actually do it! I have been procrastinating for years!

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Gift that is Paula Abdul

Hey Paula!  Do you have anybody in the myriad of the assistants you employ who actually have your best interests at heart? I think not. The travesty that is your reality show, Hey  Paula is amazing! If you are trying to show us that you are not on drugs, you have failed miserably. Fire that loser of a PR person immediately! He does not have a clue of what should be released in the show.  And please, will you straight up, grow up! You are rude to the people who work for you. You whine about an exhaustive schedule that you approve. You are tired all the time, but don't schedule any sleep. You can't find food and feed yourself. You never have any money and have the audacity to ask fans for it. You are always late. And again, you have no idea how to present yourself in public! You claim that you are a role model for young people. Heaven help us! Even if you meant it just in jest the statement on your first episode seems to sum up your own spoiled perception of yourself. "I’m tired of people not treating me like the gift that I am.” Well Paula, many of us are tired too. Tired of celebrities complaining, when they have no idea what the real world is like. Hey Paula....take a nap and and keep your mouth shut.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Kathy Griffin Rocks Cohassat

Tonight we had another encounter with that Life on the D List Star, Kathy Griffin. The show at the South Shore Music Circus was a complete sell out and Kathy G really delivered. If you are fans of her reality show,  you really should catch one of her live performances. Her material is always current, and she always makes you feel like she is letting you in on a little secret between friends about those Hollywood crazies! Judging from the crowd tonight I hardly think Miss G qualifies for the D List anymore. She is A-list all the way!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

General Petraeus is in Charge, Not Bush!

Today I listened to President George Bush repeatedly state that he relies only on the opinion of General David Patraeus for all matters about the Iraq war. I have only one question. What if General Patraeus is wrong?

Saturday, July 07, 2007

iPhone Trouble!

I was at a party on the 4th when I took out my phone to show some friends when I noticed what looked like a thread sticking on the edge of the screen. I gave it a tug and a tiny rubber gasket came off from around the perimeter of the screen! Yikes! I had been very careful with it, and don't know how it became dislodged. I went to my Apple Store today and luckily they had another phone in stock and they exchanged it for my old one. The Tech at the Genius Bar switched my sim card and iTunes switched to my new phone without a hitch! All of my settings and uploads reloaded. It was quite painless. I purchased a black Incase protective cover while I was at the store. The cover wraps around the iPhone and just covers the edges of the screen. Hopefully it will keep in place any gaskets that decide to surface!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

My iPhone Likes and Dislikes

Well I did it. I purchased the much hyped Apple iPhone today. Those of you who know me will wonder why I waited this long. I mean it has been out a whole day. Well let me tell you I wanted to wait in line with everyone on Friday, but I had a chemistry test and it took me all day to study for it and then finally take the thing. I of course took the time to order one online exactly at 6 P.M. P.S.T. I was very unhappy to read that it would be two to four weeks before it would ship to me... two to four weeks! I was one of the first to order on line! Unacceptable! I decided to call around on Saturday morning to see if by chance some local store ATT store was overlooked by the madness. Fat chance... the two out of the way stores I called were entirely sold out. I decided to call my local Apple store, and to my surprise... they had them in stock! Woo Hoo! I raced to the store lest some other crazy person like myself got there before me! I purchased the 8 gig model and of course opened it in the car on the way home. I have always felt that instant gratification takes too long! I don't know what propels me to pursue the latest and greatest gadget. It really is an addiction. I spend far too much money that I don't have on the latest and greatest gizmo, and cell phones are a really strong weakness for me. I don't even talk on them very much and never come close to my alloted minutes! It is madness I tell you, madness!

Before I tell you my likes and dislikes, let me tell you what I have been using for the past 7 months... a Samsung Blackjack.  Overall,  I have been pretty happy with it. I like the full qwerty, the camera, and the ability to get my email. I also really like the 3g speeds I get while browsing the internet. What I don't like is the fact that it seems to have a slow reaction if you forget to close applications you are not using. I also don't like the fact that it seems to take forever to get to the function you really want to use. But overall,  7 months says that I have been pretty happy with it.

Enter the iPhone. I recently have started using a Mac Mini and also bought a Mac Book Pro. I have been a Windows user for years, but I have not been that impressed with Vista and have been frustrated with Microsoft products for a long time. The iPhone became appealing to me because of good experience so far with my Macs and my beloved Video iPod. Okay, Finally I will mention my likes and dislikes!


1.The iPhone is really a nice looking phone. It fits well in my hand, and is just a touch bigger than my Blackjack.
2. I love the large screen! It really is nice.
3. I love the easy access to the applications that you use most often from the moment the unit starts!
4. The iPhone is perky! It doesn't seem to slow down when going to an application the way my Blackjack did.
5. I love having Wifi build in! I really missed that in the Blackjack. I can cruise the web from my home network fast... so much fun!
6. I really like the slide to unlock button on the touchscreen. I had to do two awkward key presses to unlock the Blackjack.
7. I really like the way it handles your photo library. The pinch to make smaller and reverse pinch to zoom are really cool, as is the swipe to the next photo.
8. Moving all over a web page with your finger is really great, as are using the finger pinches on a page.
9. How cool is it to have a Youtube button? Very Cool! Lots of mindless entertainment available while you are waiting at the dentist's office!
10. I love its integration with iTunes. Now I really have a reason to buy movies from Apple! This is the perfect item for plane rides.
11. The activation and setup couldn't be easier(at least on my mac). It automatically set up my gmail account and imported all my addresses. My Blackjack took forever to get the email working correctly.
12. It is intuitive for the most part. No need to spend an hour or two with a manual trying to figure out how to change a ringtone, or set up a bluetooth earpiece. It just works.
13. It's cool... period.


1. The phone is slippery. I really think a rubberized outershell, at least on the sides would have made sense. It is only a matter of time before this beauty is gonna hit the ground.
2. Difficult access to the sim card. Geeks have many phones and we like to use different ones for different situations. The card is damn near impossible to get out and there is not way to do it with out a paper clip.
3. The camera is not up to what it should be. The iPhone really needs and external button to release the shutter! They could even change the software to use the volume buttons as a release while in camera mode. It is very difficult to hold the camera still and try to do a finger press on the screen.  You will end up missing a lot of shots. Also, tapping an on screen button jars the camera and can contribute to some really nice blurry shots! Forget about trying to take a picture of yourself with it! You can't see the button to press! It is really disappointing.
4. No 3g! This is really unacceptable...having a slow connection on a full web browser is horrible! Especially when you get used to using the phone on the Wifi network. Shoot me now!
5. No flash and no java? You have to be kidding me. All the web phones I have had the past few years have been able to use flash and java. Flash is beginning to be used on everyone's website. I really hope that there is some update to this. I am missing have the content on some sites.
6. No battery access. I am gonna have to send my phone in if I want a new battery? That is crazy. With all the use that the phone is going to get with video and music, having a way to swap in a charged battery would make so much sense. I think many of us are going to be calling you back after you leave a message because our phones are all dead!
7. No Voice  Dialing.  C'mon this is the phone of the future and there are times you can't press a button, nor should you.
8. Controlled Youtube. You can't search for any video on Youtube. I have a bunch that I created, but they do not turn up in search. I think they must be converting only top videos or something fro iPhone use. Don't call it Youtube, if I can't access all of their videos. I am very disappointed.
9. The keypad. I am trying! I can do quite well with an index finger, but the iPhone does not like my thumbs, especially my right one! I can never hit the right letter with my right thumb for some reason. It really slows me down with thumb typing. The keypad is much better when in landscape mode, but it only works when browsing. It really needs to be available in landscape in all modes. I hope that they might be able to update this. I find the delete key way to easy to hit, but again it has something to do with my right thumb. So many problems could be solved if they let us use the keyboard in landscape mode! Please Apple!
10. No Mp3 Ringtones. Why is this? I can't believe it! I have been making my own Mp3 ringtones for years. I have this whole access to my music library and I can't select something instead of the standard stuff included? It makes no sense.
11. No micro sd memory card. They probably didn't have any more room, but this really would make the thing rock! 8 gigs isn't enough for us geeks! I really can't complain, it really is a phone first, but I can dream.
12. The metal back is really gonna get scratched if you don't keep it in a case I think. Time will tell.
13. No itunes store access? Strange. I would thing they would want us to buy songs from the phone. Of course it probably would be a painfully slow download without 3g!
14. Itunes only activation. There are a lot of people still that don't have a computer that would still like this phone.

Well that is all I can think of at this time. All in all it is about even in what I like and dislike. I have always said that the phone I want hasn't been invented yet. I still feel that way, but I think that the new iPhone is a step in the right direction. I hope that Apple improves it soon. I can't imagine actually holding onto a cell phone for a while. Hey, and in case you would like a slightly used Samsung Blackjack, I will be posting it in my auction soon!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Disney Desperate Housewives

Love is Spreading Over the World

Here is a little slide show I made celebrating marriage for gays and lesbians!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Friday, June 22, 2007

The Sound of Music Recut

I don't remember this movie this way!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Walt Disney World Gay Days 2007

Here is a little slide show from our most recent trip to Walt Disney World!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

100 Things I've Learned from Watching Televison and Movies

1. The ventilation system of any building is the perfect hiding place. No one will ever think of looking for you in there, and you can travel to any other part of the building you want without difficulty.
2. You're very likely to survive any battle in any war unless you make the mistake of showing someone a picture of your sweetheart back home,
3. Should you wish to pass yourself off as a German officer, it is not necessary to speak the language. A German accent will do.
4. A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating but will wince when a woman tries to clean his wounds. That will finish in a sex scene.
5. If staying in a haunted house, women must investigate any strange noises in their most diaphaous underwear, which is just what they happened to be carrying with them at the time the car broke down.
6. If a large pane of glass is visible, someone will be thrown through it before long.
7. If someone says, "I'll be right back", they won't.
8. Computer monitors never display a cursor on screen but always say: "Enter Password Now".
9. It is not necessary to say hello or goodbye when beginning or ending phone conversations. And none of your friends have to knock when they come for a visit. In addition, every front door can be opened from the outside without having to use a key.
10. Even when driving down a perfectly straight road, it is necessary to turn the steering wheel vigorously from left to right every few moments.
11. All bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices with large red readouts so you know exactly when they're going to go off.
12. A detective can only solve a case once he has been suspended from duty.
13. If you decide to start dancing in the street everyone around you will automatically be able to mirror all the steps you come up with and hear the music in your head.
14. Police departments give their officers personality tests to make sure they are deliberately assigned a partner who is their total opposite.
15. When they are alone, all foreigners prefer to speak English to each other.
16. Any bullet from a handgun has enough force to throw a full-grown man ten feet back.
17. Characters will always find a parking space right in front of the building they're going to even in a large metropolitan city where parking is basically impossible.
18. Characters at a bar or at a restaurant table will always get the attention of a server at the exact moment they need to order.
19. When a gift/present is given, the top is wrapped separately from the rest of the box and it lifts straight off so that there is never any ripping or fumbling with wrapping paper.
20. A chase scene on foot in a city always has a shot of one of the characters running into the street, nearly being hit by a car screeching to a halt at which point the driver flails his arm out the window and yells an expletive.
21. Anytime a character in an awful rush confronts another character curious about his predicament, the first one says, "There's no time to explain," and then explains anyway.
22. No matter how slow zombies walk they will always catch up.
23. The bad guy will always throw his gun at you to indicate he has run out of bullets.
24. A candle or table lamp can light a whole room and at night time, it's blue.
25. If the main guy is in love with the main girl, he will always get her in the end, even if she's married. If she is married, her husband will always say "oh well, if it makes you happy"... and he'll never go to beat the crap out of the other guy.
26. If you are in a film, it is easy for you to master the skill of controling any vehicle you need, weather it be landing a plane, for example.
27. Everybody when needing a computer can type supper fast and never need to hit the space bar!
28. Computers never freeze or crash, unlike in the real world.
29. The computers have super duper graphics programes which can zoom into blurs in fotos to make them super clear!
30. The best way to get laid is to put on some slow jazz music.
31. Everytime the "hero" is sneeking into the bad guy's room, checking secret files on the computer:
1a. The password is already typed in.
1b. The password is very simple.
2. There appears a very slow bar saying "copying", "deleting" or "printing" and it is finished just before the bad guy, the security guard or the mexican cleaner comes in.
3. In addition to your non-booting computer, they are also turned off in a flash.
4. All the characters, even the blonde bimbo's put in to lure us to the cinema, became all-knowing super-mega-nerds once behind a computer. They always know what to do and how to avoid things.
32. Good guys never panic, they stay cool at point black range, and bluff their way out with the "you could surely use me in your plan" crap.
33. Heavy guns, for example on helicopters, cause cosmetic damage to the hero's transport, but one bullet makes the chopper blow up.
34. Text appearing on a computer monitor appears letter by letter and making a sound as if it was produced by a typewriter.
35. You can find whatever you want on the net in a matter of seconds.
36. If in a battle scene a bad guy actually manages to shoot a good guy, the good guy's friend has the time to listen to his friend's dying speech. Once dead, the friend stands up and shoots the correct bad guy (amongst a whole host of bad guys). The bad guy has apparently been sitting around just waiting to be shot!!
37. No Australian movie is complete without one of this:
1. A Kangaroo.
2. A Boomerang.
3. Ayers Rock.
4. A Koala.
5. All of the above.
38. When someone uses a TV remote it makes a clicking sound that is impossible to replicate by existing remotes.
39. When gunfire erupts in public places and cops respond instantly to it, they're usally killed by the first shots.
40. When gunfire erupts in public, where there are no cops, they take forever to arrive, but they can still chase the gunmen.
41. Detectives can watch a drug deal (carried out furtively in a shop doorway) go down from a distance of five yards away by the simple expedient of sitting in a car with a newspaper raised to eye level.
42. Cats always make a noise. If someone is creeping into a house and is momentarily scared by a cat, it always has to meow before running off.
43. A woman being chased by a murderer will always fall over, either because she's running in stilettos or is ridiculously clumsy.
44. Serial killers never just die... they will remain still for ages so that the hero is fooled and walks right past them... at which point the killer grabs their ankle and then keeps fighting.
45. It is possible to drive safely for long periods with your head turned completely away from the road ahead, either in conversation or looking at a map.
46. People brush their teeth before eating breakfast but not afterwards, at which point they run out the door with a piece of toast in their mouth.
47. Aussie accents in American films always sound like a mix of Cockney, South African and New Zealander. And they say things like "Streuth!" and "Blimey!"
48. The bad guy's sexy girl will try to seduce the good guy, then when that fails will beat him up using martial arts. That while wearing skintight leather, lycra and stilettos.
49. Women can never find their car keys while being pursued by a killer. Once they do find them, it takes them ages to fumble the keys into the ignition, giving the killer enough time to reach the car and pound on the window.
50. Somehow cars take several turns of the key to start but only when someone is chasing you.
51. Every bad guy knows how to tie really complicated knots... which somehow the good guy manages to untie.
52. A person investigating strange noises in their house always finds that the lights don't work, then stumble around in the dark rather than getting a torch. At least one of the noises they hear will turn out to be made by a cat.
53. When a cat eats a fish, it leaves the skeleton perfectly reserved and intact.
54. Dogs always bark at ghosts.
55. Vicious guard dogs can be easily distracted with a piece of steak.
56. Mice can somehow fashion a perfectly semi-circular entrance to their dwelling.
57. A small goat is capable of propelling a fully grown man through the air by butting him in the ass with it's horns.
58. Many animals, when they consume alcohol, will take on human drunken characteristics, usually to the sound of a trombone being played.
59. Anytime a person is expecting a bad guy to jump out at them, often they'll sigh in relief when it's just the cat, or the wind, or a tree branch against the window. But as soon as they let their guard down and laugh at their "silliness", they're going to be attacked by the bad guy that really was there after all.
60. When someone puts a baby down to bed, that baby coos and smiles, and then just goes right off to sleep. It's amazing.
61. If someone jumps off a bridge into a river, lake, etcetera, the water will always be deep enough to keep them from getting hurt. But when a bad guy falls from a river, he/she's good as gone.
62. Police officers never wait for back-up.
63. The only time people do say hello on the telephone is when it turns to be the bad guy on the other end of line calling to torment them.
64. Bad things usually happen to women who are alone in the house on stormy nights.
65. If you are driving somewhere on any other route other than a city roadway, you will probably have that road all to yourself and will not pass or be passed by another vehicle.
66. In the movies everyone seems to have some odd "L shaped" sheets on their beds able to cover a woman up to her neck and her partner up to his waste.
67. Being around a bomb causes time to slow down.
68. Bad guys die instantly, good guys die slowly.
69. When the good guy is being attacked by a gang, they will run at him one at a time while the rest stay (in the case of ninjas, dance) around in a menacing manner, allowing him to kick all of their asses by the time the scene is over.
70. Most of police investigations will require at least one visit to a strip club.
71. You can jump from a tall building and land on mattresses, a pile of boxes, or a dumpster full of garbage and, though you might groan and be a little slow getting up, you will not sustain any serious injury.
72. It's very easy to fool the security guards at highly top secret government institutions.
73. It's very easy for a computer hacker to break a security code and find just the information he's looking for in less than a minute.
74. If you're a criminal mastermind, you cannot just shoot the hero in the back, you have to tie him up and wait for some diabolical machine to finish the hero off and you can't wait around to make sure it works, which allows the hero a chance to escape, which he always does because apparently no bad guy ever got his knot tying badge in the boy scouts.
75. When an ugly girl takes off her glasses, gets a haircut, and puts on nice clothes she is suddenly very hot.
76. No matter who you are calling, no matter what time you are making the call, the person you're calling will always answer the phone, usually after only one or two rings. Of course, this assumes you aren't running from a killer while trying to make a call on a cell phone, in which case there is a 100% chance that either the battery will be dead or you won't be able to get a signal.
77. Whenever you put on a seatbelt, you will get into an accident.
78. The good guy always has the cooler cell phone.
79. If you chase someone through a park you will never step in dog poop or chewing gum, but you will always step on someone's picnic.
78. No matter how crowded the bar is, there are always extra stools available right in front of a bartender who is just standing there waiting for someone to order.
80. People who oversleep and get woken up by phone calls go straight to work without making the bed, but when they get home at night, their bed is made.
81. People in movies rarely have to shave, and whenever a guy does shave, he will be interrupted while half finished, and will wipe the remaining shaving cream off with a towel. Of course, even the part he didn't get to shave will be perfectly smooth.
82. When a good guy enters a house, he/she will avoid every shot of machine gun fire while killing a lot of bad guys. He/she doesn't need to reload his pistol until he runs out of ammo, which coincidentially happens when the main bad guy appears, at which point he fights him/her hand to hand.
83. In battle, a normal peon soldier is shot with one bullet and instantly drops dead to the ground, while the protagonist in said battle can be shot in various places by multiple shooters, and survive with a few bandages and a cast.
84. It doesn't matter who you call, if they choose not to answer their phone you will get their voicemail in less than 1.5 rings.
85. A devious villain will immediately shoot a non-important character whenever needed without hesitation. However when he finally has the chance to kill the hero seeking to craft his doom, he will undoubtedly hold a firearm trained on said protagonist for at least 90 seconds while performing a well-written soliliquoy. This delay is all the hero needs to escape.
86. When a woman is being pursued by a scary serial killer that she knows is in her house, she will always run upstairs instead of out of the house.
87. You can break into any house or door with a credit card.
88. The bad guy will always tell the good guy every detail about his masterplan instead of just shooting him.
89. Whenever a guy and a girl hop into a bed together in three seconds the girl will start moaning and will be close to climaxing. Plus the guy will always put a minimal effort, after all she will still be screaming and moaning away.
90. When someone has stopped breathing and has no pulse, simply breathing into her mouth twice and looking extremely distressed while screaming "DON'T YOU DIE ON ME!" will bring her back to life immediately.
91. In a TV episode where someone will probaly die, there's always an extra character that no one has ever seen before to kill him.
92. Aliens will always have more advanced techonology than us.
93. When you turn on the tv, the news will always be on.
94. People never obey warnings.
95. There's always a corrupt police officer.
96. Movie theatres and drive-ins only show classic horror movies.
98. If you meet a member of the opposite sex, and you both hate each other... don't worry... you'll eventually fall in love with each other.
99. Major disasters always happen in New York.
100. The President is always very considerate and well-spoken. Not to mention he always is able to fly a jet fighter when needed.

Kudos:, elpaquilloloco

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Toast and Cat Theory

Salt and Battery

Kudos: The Warehouse

Lawmakers Vote No In Massachusetts To Putting Marriage Amendment On Ballot!

Thank You! Thank you to all the lawmakers who did the right thing and not let my civil rights be put to a popular vote!

Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

Big Day For Gay Marriage

Today is a big day for gay marriage. Today.. people who I don't know, will decide whether more people who I don't know, will decide if people as myself deserve the same rights that they so richly enjoy. What a country!

Bay Windows is live blogging the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention. I want to watch live but have to study!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Barbara Walters Ruins The View


I have come to the conclusion that Barbara Walters should be removed from her own show, ABC's The View! She seems to run from any controversy and comes across as if she wants everyone to be at a nice tea party. It is such a different show since Rosie O'Donnell has left. I say replace Barbara and let the girls go wild!

Sunday, June 10, 2007


The Soprano's final episode in one word... boring! This has to have been one of the longest drawn out series in the history of television...and for what? Where is the justice for all those who have been whacked these past 7 years? Does Tony go to prison? Is he eventually killed? The episode left me terribly dissatisfied, not to mention it was very slow paced. The preview made it seem like it was going to be very dramatic. Not! Well at least Sunday evenings are mine now. So Long Sopranos, and good riddance!

An 85!

Well I am a little better today. I finished my Anatomy and Physiology test and received a grade of 85. That makes me feel a little better. A and P is a breeze compared to Chemistry. My brain does not think logically and that is why I think I am having so much trouble. It is all math, and I just can't seem to keep the formulas straight in my head... not to mention they are all word problems. I feel as if my brain just shuts off when I see one.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

A 48!

I can't believe it! My brain was about to explode from studying. I took my Chemistry test and got a 48! A 48! I haven't gotten a score that low since grade school. Luckily I still have an 85 average. This chemistry is my enemy. I hope that the rest of the chapters aren't this tough or I will be repeating this horrible experience. Never let anyone tell you that taking courses online is easier. It is hell!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Gay Days

We are alive! We went to Walt Disney World for Gay Days and our anniversary and had a wonderful time. We made some great friends.. Brad, Jim, Eric, and Jim! It was great to get away from the studying for a bit! Now I am back at work at it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Chemistry and Anatomy

I haven't written because I have been swamped with Chemistry and Anatomy & Physiology studies!  I have decided to go to Quincy College for my Nursing degree.  I need these two courses to be admitted to their Nursing program. I am taking them online through a Seward Community College in Kansas!  There is so much work and there is an exam every 5 days. To say I am overwhelmed would be an understatement! I used to be an "A" student, but given the amount of material I am covering, that goal seems completely out of reach! I think I am going to have a problem getting the "C" I need for admission! Why I decided to take two courses at once is beyond me. A&P is accelerated and will take 7 weeks, while Chemistry is about 13 weeks. Well, I am off to the home Chemistry Lab... where can I buy Lye in solid form?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Doug Obey Loses!

Yes, Mr. Authoritarian may have had more votes in my neck of the woods, but thankfully he was rightfully trounced in Dedham, Massachusetts to Paul McMurty, the winner of the Massachusetts 11th District State Representative seat. The virus of "Obey" signs can now retreat from the planet...restoring our oxygen!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Vote for Doug Obey...Not!

I am so sick of politicians bombarding my phone line, mailbox, and life. I get so many calls telling me to vote for this one... vote for that one. Candidate for State Representative Doug Obey is hands down the worst! He is everywhere! Signs on lawns, phone calls, and way too many fliers. My biggest problem with him is his name....Obey! I'm not voting for anyone that has a name with that much authoritarianism! Yes he says it sounds like oh-bee, but Obey, is oh-bay... no matter what you tell yourself.
Today, Mr. Obey really kicked it up a notch by appearing at my front door! Now this man was actually invading my personal space! I decided I must confront him and find out what he is about, or at least to try and stop his virus-like campaign. I knew I must proceed cautiously, lest my house might somehow be plastered with Obey signs... shutting out all my oxygen. I opened the door.

Mr. Authoritarian shook my hand and introduced himself, little did he know what he was in for. Being the gay activist that I have become, my first question was, "What do you think about gay marriage?" Mr. O. looked at me and said, "I think the people should vote on it." Bzzzzzzzz, wrong answer. I told him how I felt that there is no way a majority should be allowed to vote on a minority's civil rights. I told him that there is no way the gay community can compete with the money that is being poured into writing discrimination in constitutions across the country from the religious right. He told me we had the most money and power. I told him he was wrong. He told me I should have equal rights, but that it shouldn't be called marriage, because it offends a lot of religious people. I told him we have separation of church and state. He told me he was against civil unions too, but says there should be something else that grants the same rights as marriage to gays and lesbians. I told him about separate but equal laws, and he had no idea there were such a thing. He told me that if it were put to a vote to grant the same rights to gays and lesbians it would pass. I told him he was wrong and naive. He told me that I was not legally married because the courts decided whether I could be married. I told him I was legally married in Massachusetts. He told me that if I was legally married then the people who wrote the constitution meant for gays to be married. I told him that was ridiculous, and that the constitution has changed since it was written, and will continue to change. He told me that marriage has not changed for thousands of years and was always one man, one woman. I told him that in some cultures it is one man and many women, that women were property, and that marriage has changed many times over thousands of years. He asked me what if men in the United States wanted to have more than one wife? I told him that is not the issue, they still can marry at least one person whom they love, while gays and lesbians cannot except in Massachusetts. He told me that discrimination doesn't go on here in Massachusetts, I told him it most surely does. I told him that if one straight man stands up against the discrimination against gays and lesbians, he has far more power for change than 10 gay activists. He told me he has to represent his constituents, I told him that should include his minority ones also.

There was so much that I wanted to say and yet I felt so unprepared for the debate. I only like to state facts when I debate and it was clear to me Doug Obey was sorely misinformed, yet felt free to state things he knew nothing about. He really needs to learn about discrimination, the power of mob rule, and he needs attend a good course on the constitution, the founding fathers, and constitutional law. He is extremely out of touch with the needs of minorities and doesn't even know that if the constitutional amendment passes... those of us that are married will still remain so. I wish that I could have studied some things before our meeting. The facts don't support most of his arguments, but I didn't always have the answers at my fingertips while he felt free to make blatantly false statements. I was so furious when he left and wanted to chase him down with other points. But my greatest fear is that this man will probably win. Our town is pretty conservative and will probably vote for him because he is fiscally conservative. And then there are those phone calls, signs, and fliers.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Nursing School? Which One?

Well I learned today that I have been accepted to Laboure College for Nursing. I just don't know if I should go there or not. According to admissions at the college I can start my actual nursing courses in September of 2008. In the meantime I have to take 6 general education courses before then. I can go part-time evenings for the general eds. When the nursing courses begin, I can take those of Friday nights and Saturday days. The program will take two years from September of 2008! My other option is Quincy College. I can apply in October of 2007 for January 2009! In the meantime I can take the 5 general education classes that I need there all online at another college and transfer them in. This program will take 2 1/2 years from January of 2009, thus adding an additional ten months. The nursing courses for Quincy will occur 3 times a week at 2:30 in the afternoon for the first year, and then twice a week at 2:30. Quincy will also be almost 9000.00 cheaper than Laboure. I really am having a terrible time trying to decide. At 43, getting out 10 months early seems really inviting. The money I will start making at the earlier date will more than cover the 9000.00 difference. Knowing that the Nursing clinicals are Friday nights and Saturdays, seems to be easier to manage while I am at home taking care of my mom too. The downside to Laboure are some of the general eds that I have to take that I have no interest in such as World Literature, Religions of the World, or Christianity. The fact that I physically have to attend the college while taking the general eds takes me away from my responsibilities as caregiver to my mother as well.

Quincy is very appealing in that they will accept so many of my general eds from my days at Framingham State, and the only gen eds that I have to take are science courses that I can take online. I can be around at home whenever mom needs me until the Nursing classes start. The downside are the afternoon clinicals, which is when my mother may have doctor appointments and such. The other downside is graduating 10 months later than Laboure. Considering that I will probably want to pursue a Bachelor's or Master's while working, 10 months is a nice chunk of my quickly advancing age!

I think if Quincy got me out at the same time, I would probably go there. Taking online science courses with home labs is very appealing to me. I could also probably hire someone if need be with the 9000 dollars I would be saving to sit with my mother. 10 extra months at Quincy though seems like a lot added on when I am just trying to get an associates degree. I need to decide by Monday, so I am having a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Rock Music

I have never been a fan of rock music. Tonight on American Idol they featured music from the band, Bon Jovi. I really don't know why I never caught on to the rock craze. Growing up there certainly were enough bands that I should have liked. I found myself drawn to the sounds of The Captain and Tennille, The Carpenters, and Olivia Newton-John. My brother used to listen to The Beatles when I was young. I remember spinning like a record player in front of his full length mirror to the sounds of, "Listen, Do You Want To Know A Secret!"  I think I have always preferred a vocal solo to a guitar solo.  I also think  I have always been "melody crazy." If it's catchy... I'm all over it! I am still singing "You Had A Bad Day" from last season's American Idol!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

So Long Rosie

Well now the only reason to watch ABC's The View is Joy Behar. Rosie is leaving because she couldn't come to terms with ABC on a new contract. I feel sorry for Joy, as Rosie and Joy were a great team. Who will be honest and say what is really on our minds on TV now? Yesterday was a sad day for truth.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Bob, Bill and Andy Join Us At Walt Disney World

Diet Update

I know I haven't written anything about dieting lately. I have been eating too many Swiss Rolls! I am at my starting weight of 265, but I think that I look better.  I joined a gym about a month ago and have been going about 3 or 4 times a week. I am really getting into weight training. For the last several years I have only been doing aerobics. The weights seem to be changing my shape, and while I actually have gained weight over the past month, I am definitely losing inches in some places while gaining them in others.  I still struggle to eat right, but as soon as I get a handle on that I am sure that I will actually lose a few pounds. At any rate, I am feeling more fit than I have in years!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thank You America! Sanjaya Gone!


I am so glad that this no talent has finally left American Idol... it was really getting ridiculous that this freak had been on for so many weeks! Why the judges ever put him through in the first place is a mystery to me. So many talented people have gone before him.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Filezilla on the Mac!

I have been searching for a Mac replacement to my favorite ftp client on the PC, Filezilla. Well I am so happy to announce that a beta version is now available for the Mac! Here is the link!



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Nursing School

I know that I haven't written anything in a while. I have been spending all my time researching nursing schools. For 15 years I have been taking care of my elderly parents. It began when my Dad had a terrible car accident in 1992. He was on his way to the dentist when he crashed into a Norwood Public Works truck. He was left with ten broken ribs, a punctured liver, a punctured spleen, and a broken neck. The broken neck was not diagnosed until three months after the accident! It was not long after that my father developed Alzheimer's Disease. He needed constant supervision and eventually needed total physical care which my mother and I provided. He died in my arms one night as I was putting him to bed. Two months before his death in 2003, my mother suffered a devastating stroke during open heart surgery. The stroke left her unable to speak and she could not move her legs or right arm. I was devastated. Now the woman who gave me everything, and was my partner in care to my father... also needed my help. I am glad to say that my mother is much better now. She can walk with a cane, can speak somewhat clearly, and has some mobility in her right arm. She needs assistance with meals, and other activities of daily living, but in general she has mad a remarkable recovery. Our house is just like anyone else's... two gay guys and a stroke victim!

My Dad worked so hard in his life that we have had enough money for me to stay home as "caregiver to the stars"! Unfortunately, the "financial well" is not as full as it used to be. Mike and I need to plan for our eventual "golden years!" Returning to an acting career is out of the question for me. I need a 401k! Nursing seems to make the most sense to me. I can go to school part-time now, while my mother is stable. If she is still O.K. when I graduate, I can work evenings and weekends when Mike is here. If I don't at least start something now at 43, I am really going to have a tough time later. I will tell you later what a pain it is to get into nursing school!

Friday, April 06, 2007

HoHos vs Yodels vs Swiss Cake Rolls


     As some of you know I have been on a quest recently to find my favorite foods that I remember as a child. This week I did a taste test between Hostess HoHos, Drake's Yodels, and Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls... three versions of what would be known in the snack food world as swiss rolls. While it is interesting to note that Hostess and Drake are now owned by the same parent company, Hohos and Yodels do taste different. Drakes Yodels are some of the most artificial tasting snacks that you will ever eat.The chocolate coating tastes like hardened wax, and the cream filling is not plentiful enough. I would say that Hostess HoHos are a definite improvement. The outer coating tastes a bit like chocolate and the cream filling tastes better and is more abundant.  By a large margin though, the winner is Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls! The chocolate tastes like chocolate and the filling is sweet and creamy. What I don't get is that none of them taste as I remember them. They all leave an aftertaste that I don't remember as a kid. In fact all the products from these companies taste different than I remember. I know that many recipes changed when companies started using corn syrup as a sweetener rather than cane sugar. I wonder if that has happened to snack foods and I wonder when did they make the change?  Perhaps my palate just prefers better food now, but I wonder if the recipes have in fact changed.

Next week...Zingers vs Twinkies!

Just Kidding, it is really time for an entry on how I am doing on my diet!

The Bible and Homosexuality

I just read this great article about the bible and homosexuality. The Rev. Mel White has really done his homework.

Kudos: Soulforce

Friday, March 30, 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Favorite Cookies

I have great memories of cookies I ate as a child. One of my all time favorites was called Gauchos by Burry Foods. It was an oGauchosatmeal cookie with a peanut butter filling. I have found that the Girl Scouts are putting out a cookie that is almost identical in look and taste.

Burry Foods must have had me in mind when they were baking, because I have fond memories of two of their other products, Scooter Pies and Fudge Town cookies. Scooter Pies were sort of two graham crackers sandwiched together with marshmallow and covered in very cheap chocolate.  Fudge Towns were chocolate cookies with a chocolate middle. I used to love pushing the chocolate out with my pinkie from the cookie's center hole.

 Scooter PiesFudge Town







And so my weight gain began!

                       Now to find some Girls Scouts!

Monday, March 26, 2007

John Edwards Should Drop Out

John Edwards said he and his wife decided together to go forward with his campaign, and that he was in the race " for the duration."

John Edwards is one of my favorite presidential candidates, but I feel he is making a terrible mistake. I think he should take this time to spend every moment with his dying wife, Elizabeth, not to mention his three children. The emotional support that the whole family needs to give one another during this crisis is a full time job. How can he possibly be there for his family while running for the presidency?  I think this shows he lacks true judgement and he has lost a lot of my respect.

Kudos: CNN

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Rosie O'Donnell!

Rosie O is 45 today! Thanks for making The View must-see tv!

The Crying American Idol Girl

Please! Someone give that girl a Prozac! The poor thing is miserable! I cry when I hear Sanjaya too, but she was so sad!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dancing with the Stars

I saw my first episode of Dancing with the Stars last night. It was O.K., but I don't think I will make it a habit. The pop music didn't seem to match up well with the performers. I don't know if it was their performances or if it was the music. They just didn't seem on the beat to me.  I think music without vocals would be a better choice anyway.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Taxes, Taxes

I haven't written anything for a bit because I have been bogged down in taxes! I have been getting my mother's ready, my father's trust, and mine. I am still not done. Figuring out capital gains is such a pain, especially if you sold a mutual fund that keeps reinvesting. The Scudder fund I sold doesn't automatically calculate them  for you as I hear some fund companies do now. It would be well worth it to find out which ones do before you buy into one. I need an aspirin!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

General Peter Pace is Loser of the Week

General Peter Pace says that gays shouldn't be in the military because homosexuality is immoral. How is that a valid argument? What happened to separation of church and state? Has he forgotten that gays are risking their lives each and every day in the military?

General Peter Pace is our Loser of the Week.

Peter Pace Loser of the Week

Saturday, March 10, 2007

NAACP is Loser of the Week

A recent press release from the NAACP states that: "The NACCP Image Awards honors projects and individuals that promote diversity in the arts in television, recording, literature and motion pictures." Recent Image Award Winner, Isaiah Washington, was promoting diversity when he called a fellow Grey's Anatomy castmate a "faggot" and then lied that he said it twice on television?

The NAACP is my Loser of the Week.

My CompUSA Store is Closing!

I am in mourning. CompUSA is closing 6 of it's 7 Massachusetts stores. The only store left is far from me. While their prices weren't always that great, I have spent many hours looking for the next gadget or accessory at CompUSA stores near me. I love BestBuy, but they don't always have that cable or hard drive that you just have to have today. This truly is horrible news for someone who suffers from absolutely no delay in gratification! Where am I to shop now in Massachusetts? I guess I will be paying for overnight shipping from Newegg!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Fox News... The Real Spin Zone

How any American can continue to watch the clowns on FOX NEWS and think they are getting a "Fair and Balanced" take on anything is beyond me.

Kudos: News Corpse

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

How Can We Afford This?

Cost of the War in Iraq


To see more details, click here.


Kudos: National Priorities Project

Walter Reed Hospital

All we heard from the right wing wackos was how only they "Support the Troops", while Walter Reed Hospital was a disgrace under their watch. Outrageous!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Ann Coulter is Loser of the Week

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I -- so kind of an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards," Ann Coulter

As long as conservatives continue to support morons like Ann Coulter they have ZERO credibility to intelligent people.

Ann Coulter is my Loser of the Week

Kudos: Danny B.

Friday, March 02, 2007

America...What Where You Thinking?

Tonight America decided to keep Antonella Barba and Sanjaya Malakar in the running for the winners of American Idol. I don't get it. Each of these performers is weaker than the contestants that were voted off tonight. They both consistently show each week that their voices are not up to the challenge. Please America... vote for the singing talent!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Beards Without Mustaches

Can I just say that having a beard without a mustache looks ridiculous? Sundance Head from American Idol is currently sporting this fashion mistake. It looks silly on an Amish person and even on the great emancipator, Abraham Lincoln.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Windows Vista

I have been using Windows Vista for a few weeks now and I really like it's look and feel. My favorite feature is the new Windows Photo Gallery. It makes tagging and organizing my photo's a breeze. I used to use Adobe Photoshop Elements 4, but I really don't need it's organizational features any more. Microsoft finally got something right!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Bridge to Terabithia

I saw The Bridge to Terabithia the other day. It is nothing like the preview trailer! I actually cried! The trailer makes you think you are going to see a fantasy movie with a lot of CGI effects.  The movie is nothing like that. Yes, there are some scenes in a fantasy world, but most of the story takes place in the present day. It is a great movie, but definitely not for young children.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Tim Hardaway is Loser of the Week

“You know, I hate gay people, so I let it be known. I don’t like gay people and I don’t like to be around gay people, I’m homophobic. I don’t like it. It shouldn’t be in the world or in the United States.’’ Tim Hardaway

Tim Hardaway is our Loser of the Week

Tim Hardaway is Loser of the Week

It's A Small World After All

This morning a message was left on my answering machine... "Hi, this is Nick Theodorou, I haven't talked to you in 29 years, I tracked you down. I hope I got the right person".  Wow! This was a blast from my past I thought, as I listened to the message. Nick and I were friends in junior high and early high school. He was a happy, go lucky kid and we had a lot of fun when we were young. I called him later today to see how he was doing. It was really weird talking to a person you haven't spoken with in almost 30 years. He is married, has a bunch of kids in college, was drafted into the army in Greece, and he has owned several businesses. I feel so old from when we used to play with his electric racing car set and watch Speed Racer in the afternoon at his childhood home. He said he found me by googling his name and found an entry I wrote about him on this blog! It really is a small world.

Nick with my Mother

Monday, February 12, 2007

Our Walt Disney World Photos

I finally uploaded our Disneyworld Photos to Flickr. We had  a great time with our friends, Bill and Andy. I can't wait to return to that magical place! I hope to be thinner in the next batch of pictures!

Walt Disney World Photos

Friday, February 09, 2007

Where Is The Katharine McPhee We Love?


     I had been looking forward to Katharine McPhee's album for months now. On American Idol her voice gave me goose bumps! She has a wonderful, tender voice, and it is coupled with a real talent for touching your heart. That Katharine, is no where to be found on her debut album. With the exception of just one song, Ordinary World, the rest of the album sounds like all of the overmixed, emotionless, beat driven music that comes out of the industry today. We love Katharine McPhee for her voice and personality. Sadly, they are no where to be found. However, Ordinary World... Goose Bumps!

Monday, February 05, 2007

We Are Back!

I think that this is the longest I have ever gone without writing in the blog in a long time! We got back home from Florida and I decided to completely change my computers and how I use them! Firstly, I decided to switch to a Mac Mini for my emails and web browsing. It has taken me a week to get everything the way I like it. I also installed Windows Vista on my main PC. What can I say? It really is a nice upgrade from Windows XP. My only gripe is that one of the main programs I use for video editing, Pinnacle Studio 10 is not going to be upgraded to Vista until March. I am gonna have to use iMovie on the Mac till then. I also took the time to upgrade my servers with bigger hard drives. I have quite a home network set up here now. You would think that I had a major business! Maybe one day!

Since we got back from Florida I have been suffering with an awful sinus infection and a bad back. This is the longest that I have ever had back trouble. I talked to my Mom's therapist and she told me that my symptoms suggest a slipped disc! Great! I am doing conservative treatment to see if I can get myself back in shape before visiting the doctor. Time will tell.

We had a great time in Florida with our friends BIll and Andy. Poor Billy got the stomach virus while we were there so he stayed home a few days. It was great fun and wonderful to see those guys on this trip. They are true and wonderful friends.

Well that is all for quote Dr Smith about his back..."Oh the pain, the pain"!

Thursday, January 25, 2007



Originally uploaded by Scott Fisher.

Epcot is open late tonight, so here We are. It is really the forties. Brr! So much for a warm getaway! We are having a wonderful time, especially with our friends, Bill and Andy!

- Taken at 9:39 PM on January 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Epcot Today

We slept in a bit this morning and then we headed off to EPCOT. The Living Seas has been redone with characters from Finding Nemo. It is a nice upgrade, but I was disappointed that they did not use Ellen Degeneres's voice as the fish Dory. Since they use her voice and likeness at the Universe of Energy at the same park,  I would of thought they could have acquired her to dub the new attraction. My laptop doesn't want to accept photos from my camera, so pictures will have to wait till I get home. I may post some from my cell phone if I get the chance. MGM Studios is on the agenda for tomorrow!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Walt Disney World

We made it! We are finally here! So far we are having a wonderful time. We met up with our friend, Bob yesterday and had dinner at Ohana. It is a family style restaurant with a Hawaiian flair. They changed the menu and it is not as good as it used to be. It was great to see Bob no matter what the setting. Last night we picked up our dear friends, Bill and Andy, who are staying with us for the week! We were all here in 1999 together, so it makes a nice reunion! We went to the Animal Kingdom this morning and rode Expedition Everest. It is probably the fastest roller coaster in Disneyworld. It was a lot of fun, but the second time we rode it I got a bit nauseated. My cell phone has been acting up so the blogs may not be as frequent as I would like.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

American Idol...Unlock Your Doors!

Tonight I watched the second episode from season six of American Idol. Everytime someone left the audition room the judges had to remind him or her to  go out the right door of the double doors. Why not just unlock the left? I am forever expecting the left door to be unlocked in a double door set. How many hours have people wasted saying, "other door" since the invention of the double door? Please unlock both doors!

Sunday, January 14, 2007


I saw the Dreamgirls movie again. I really urge you to see it. It is so great to see musicals again on the big screen. Jennifer Hudson is excellent as Effie White. It makes no sense to compare her to Jennifer Holliday, the original Broadway Effie. Both are special in their own way. However, Holliday's performance was one of the greatest to ever hit the Broadway stage. I feel so privilaged to have witnessed it live! She literally "stopped the show!" Here is a clip from the 1992 Tony Awards. While not the same as is pretty damned good!