Thursday, May 04, 2006

Good-Bye Jake

Jake.jpgToday I had to put my beloved Cairn Terrier, Jake, down. He had been coughing for about two weeks and I feared the worst. I tried to listen to his heart last night and could not hear it. His breathing seemed off the last few days also.  After visiting my local vet, he sent Jake and me to Angell Memorial for more tests. The doctor there confirmed the worst. Poor Jake had a large mass in his left lung that was pushing his trachea and heart away from where they should be. I wanted to take him home for the last few days, but since he was oxygen deprived, they though we should let him go.  I held his head in my arms and told him he was a "good boy" over and over until he passed away peacefully away by injection. I feel so sad.  He was such a good dog. We got him in 2001 from the Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network. He was so lovable and I will miss him terribly. You can read more about Jake and his rescue here.

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