Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saddam Hussein is Executed
Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging yesterday morning. While I feel that the world will not miss him, I can't really see how executing him solved any of the problems that the world currently faces, especially in the Middle East. I have never felt that capital punishment is the right answer to anything. I have yet to see how a society can call itself civilized when they have a systematic system in place for killing their own members, no matter how heinous that member of society is. I suppose I might want the person who killed someone in my family dead, but is that justice? I think it is just revenge. I am all for making criminal's lives unpleasant, but there is no pain after you die. I would rather have someone be reminded every day of the horrible things they have done and be forced to work and pay for their food and healthcare, while any and all luxuries would be denied... that, to me is punishment. I don't think that many of the flotsam and jetsam who commit these crimes actually fear death anyway. Living without freedom is punishment. Execution makes the victims feel better, but all the perpetrator gets out of it is the time and date of his death. It is hardly justice and not much different or painful than learning you have six months to live from cancer. Call me a pacifist if you want, but I think I want something much worse than death for these individuals.
I would also like to take this time to say I have no respect for anyone who claims that human life is sacred, but supports the death penalty! Either you elevate the human, or you don't... there is no in between. If we are "playing God" with a fetus, or even an embryo, than what gives us the right to do so with a full grown human, no matter how despicable?
There is so much we need to be doing to make this world a better place. Saddam Husein stopped from oppressing and killing people is a good thing. His execution by hanging does nothing for the world.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Donald Trump is Loser of the Week
Money does not give someone class! In response to Rosie O'Donnell stating reasons why "the Donald" isn't the best "moral compass for 20-year-olds in America", Trump strikes back loud and nasty! Trump had to hit every major network and take the time to call Rosie fat, untalented, and a name it! What a big baby! Donald Trump is my loser of the week...perhaps year!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
The Night Before Christmas Eve
The presents are all wrapped. My back is so tired. When I started wrapping yesterday, each present got ribbon and a bow. Tonight, they were lucky to get a stick-on bow! Each year I swear to begin this ritual earlier. Each year I seem to start it later. I was lucky to finish my shopping early, but early wrapping was just not in the cards. I am a little sadder this Christmas as my Aunt Gloria, who passed away, will not be here for dinner. I kept wanting to add her favorite foods to my shopping cart. Christmas seems a little sadder each year as I get older. So many Christmas songs don't help either. They remind me of past Christmases when everyone was here and alive. I have had so many wonderful holidays in the past, I guess I shouldn't really complain. I guess I just feel a little more mortal each Christmas. I hope that whoever is reading this right now will be on this earth next Christmas. I sure hope I am!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Is this Jesus?
Mike was about to make a baloney sandwich when he came across this. Is that the face of Jesus? We may never know now, because before I knew it... it was between two pieces of bread and down Mike's gullet!
San Francisco
San Francisco
Originally uploaded by disneybear.
I was fooling around with a computer program called Scrapbook Designer that I got recently. It allows you to create scrapbook pages, and many other creations.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Ask Disneybear
Danny B. writes:
Favorite Time of day?
Favorite Season?
Favorite Song?
Changes, but currently Why Me by Olivia Newton-John
Favorite Christmas Memory?
Getting the thing I wanted most for Christmas. My parents would not give me what I wanted most on Christmas morning. Later in the day they would surprise me with my most favorite gift that year. I was spoiled rotten!
Favorite Place to which you have travelled?
Southern California, but London comes a close second.
If you could do ANYTHING with your life, what would you do?
Live on throughout history for doing something.
Ask Disneybear
I have decided to add a question and answer session to my blog. You can now ask Disneybear any question and I will answer! I have added some fun answers just to get started!
Ask a Question
Read My Answers
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Ask Disneybear
Sleep with or without clothes on?
Prefer black or blue pens?
Dress up on Halloween?
Like to travel?
Favorite Color?
Orange, sometimes blue
Who sleeps with you every night?
Dogs sometime, sometimes Mike
Think you're attractive?
When I am thinner
Want to get married?
I am married
Are you a good student?
Are you currently happy?
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on?
no, yes
Norwood, MA
Christmas or Halloween?
Colored or black-and-white photo?
Do long distance relationships work?
Do you believe in astrology?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
Do you drink?
Not often
Do you smoke?
Never, can't stand it!
Do you make fun of people?
I have
Do you think dreams eventually come true?
Favorite fictional character?
Go to the movies or rent?
Have you ever moved?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Unfortunately, Yes
How's the weather right now?
Last time you cut your hair?
1 Week ago
Last person you talked to on the phone?
My Mother-in-Law
Last time you showered?
Last Night
Loud or soft music?
Mcdonalds or Burger King?
Night or day?
Number of pillows?
Piano or guitar?
Friday, December 15, 2006
Teppanyaki Dining
Tonight we went to a wonderful Japanese restaurant, Teppanyaki Asian Cuisine, in Franklin. This was a small holiday get together with our great friends, Susan and Richard. It was delicious! When we go to Walt Disney World we always catch a dinner at Teppanyaki Dining Room, the Japanese restaurant there, but this one was even better! They give you so much food! But of course I ate almost everything in sight! Even with chopsticks!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
 When I met my partner Mike 11 years ago, I also became friends with a wonderful bear named Hal Hillman. Sadly he passed away in early 2004 due to a heart attack. He had been sick for a while and was waiting for a new kidney. Mike and I miss him terribly. Here is a short slideshow I created of this wonderful, big lug!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Mary Poppins... Supernatural Terrorist?
My friend Michael sent me this link. You will never look at Mary Poppins the same way again! It's brilliant!
Friday, December 08, 2006
A Christmas Tree
 Yesterday we decided to get our Christmas tree. We first talked about whether we should get an artificial one or a live one. I like the look of a real tree... but the work it is to get it in the stand, keep it watered, and the cleanup had me leaning to a fake tree. We decided to go to Sears and buy one. We found one that we liked, and it wasn't in stock. This prompted a search at Lowes, Home Depot, Macy's, J.C. Penny, Walmart, and Target! I was exhausted from our search! When we returned home I ordered the one we liked at Sears online. A real tree would have been much less hassle!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Mitt Romney... The Rugged Sportsman?
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. I was flipping through the cable channels when I came across Governor Mitt Romney on ESPN's Charlie Moore Show. Mitt and Charlie were kibitzing about fishing and then went water skiing. How I hate our Governor and his dumb ass grin. He is so obviously trying to show how he is just like the down home, middle Americans, he is courting to vote for him in the next presidential election. He has done that since the day he arrived here in Massachusetts. What bugs me is that he is so obvious about it, and comes across so insincere. Last week he was grandstanding against gay marriage. I truly believe that he really doesn't stand for anything. All he wants is to be president... and he will pander to anyone who will listen. It's disgusting. I think I just threw up again. Â
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Julia Sweeney
I saw Julia Sweeny on The View today. She has a new show out on CD about her spiritual trek from Catholicism to atheism. I have always found her funny, and it should make an interesting listen. I have heard from my friend Danny that her first show, God Said, Ha!, is great and would like to hear that one also someday. I believe it deals with the death of her brother from cancer and her diagnosis of cancer at the same time. None of these issues sound very funny, but she is a talented comedian, and it will be interesting to hear her take on them!
Kudos: Julia Sweeney
Blogging in the Library
I am here at the Norwood Library reading a book about blogging... while I blog this! How weird is that? It is just one of the many ironies of my life!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Feeling Better
Well I am feeling much better, although awfully tired. They had to intubate me during surgery and they really injured my larynx. I had a constant tickle in my throat. My sides were sore from coughing so much. That has thankfully healed. I have a large hole in my buttocks that has to be kept open to drain. Yuck! I don't wish an abscess on anyone! I know, I have shared more information than you really wanted to read. I just hope this is the beginning of the end to my problems down there! Mike has been waiting on both me and my mother. I have felt so helpless. I can't wait till I can sit comfortably. Thank you all for your well wishes!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Surgery Tomorrow
I haven't written lately because of all the company we have had over the holiday. It was great seeing friends and family. I have to have surgery tomorrow, so I will probably not write again for a bit.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
Another Thanksgiving is here! They seem to be coming so fast now that I am getting older. I wish I could say they make me happy, but as each one passes lately, it seems as if another of my beloved family has passed away. This will be the first Thanksgiving without my Aunt Gloria. I hate the fact that our Thanksgiving table is getting smaller and smaller. I miss the days when the house was full of aunts, friends, nephews, and grand children. I have so much to be thankful for, I just miss those happier carefree Thanksgivings of years ago...before my mother had a stroke...before my Dad got Alzheimer's...before my sister-in-law died...before my brother got divorced...before my nephews grew up and before my brother killed himself. Yes, we have had our share of traumas, but no more or less than any other family. The love is strong no matter how many of us are left, but it seems the chorus is missing vital parts. The baritones are overpowering now.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
How goes the diet?
I know, I haven't written about the diet. I was doing so well, and I just haven't been lately, so I haven't written. My exercise has fallen by the wayside. I actually dress to go for a walk or use the treadmill, but somehow I never seem to do it! I am eating a lot less junk food and I am eating a lot of good fruits and vegetables. My portion sizes have crept back up though. My weight is currently 252. The old habits are so hard to change. I look forward to eating so much. I think it is one of my favorite things to do. I just can't seem to stop. If one bite tastes good, 40 must taste better. I have to be better over the next few days, so I can eat at Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Kevin Federline is Loser of the Week
Kevin Federline, Britney Spears estranged husband, is apparently threatening to sell a sex tape the couple made if he doesn't receive millions of dollars in support payments and custody of their two children.
Mr. Federline also yelled out "Fuck Britney" and held up the finger while giving a recent concert in Virginia.
What a complete a-hole! This is the mother of his children! No matter what happened during their marriage, there is no excuse for this public display. I have no love for Britney Spears, but this guy is totally nuts. Bravo to Britney for making at least one good decision by dropping this zero! I so hope his new album is a complete bomb!
Kevin Federline is my Loser of the Week!
Kudos: Blogger News Network, TeenHollywood
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I can't wait till Dreamgirls comes out as a movie on December 25th! It is one of my all time favorite musicals! I will never forget when I saw Jennifer Holliday in the stage version when I was living in Los Angeles. It was the first time I ever saw a performer, "stop the show!" After she sang the amazing, And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going, we cheered and stood for 5 minutes. It was an unbelievable night in the theatre! American Idol contestant, Jennifer Hudson is playing the role of Effie in the movie. The buzz is that she is quite good. It won't be the same as hearing the song live, but I am looking forward to it!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Gay Marriage Still Safe In Massachusetts
Well I can sleep tonight. Massachusetts lawmakers decided to recess the Massachusetts constitutional convention without voting on the proposed amendment to ban gay marriage in the state. It is horrible to think that my marriage and rights could be put up to a popular vote. I have been married for 2 years, how has that hurt anyone else? Why are people so worried about things that don't affect them. People are so upset with this issue they wish to change state and federal constitutions. Constitutions should grant rights, not take them away. It is unfathomable to think that people would support an amendment that would reverse a freedom given to a certain segment of society. I wonder how the people who signed the initiative petition would feel if a possible amendment were proposed to eliminate freedom of religion! There are so many things we really need to be worried about as a society... gay marriage isn't one of them.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Get Out And Vote!
My friend Billy sent me this YouTube video he first saw on the Huffington Post. It is really quite wonderful. Please get out and vote today!
Kudos: The Huffington Post, Billy
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Doogie Howser is Gay!
It was just announced that Neil Patrick Harris, who played Doogie Howser, M.D. and currently stars in How I Met Your Mother has come out! Bravo to Mr. Harris!
Friday, November 03, 2006
John DePetro Fired from Boston Radio Station WRKO
WRKO radio today fired loose-lipped talk jock John DePetro for calling Green Party gubernatorial candidate Grace Ross a fat lesbian on his morning show yesterday.
Wow! This is some of the best news that I have heard in a long time. This self serving, smug, talk show host finally got his comeuppance! For years he has made derogatory comments about gays and lesbians. He is also one of those talk show hosts that talks over anyone who doesn't agree with him... a la Bill O'Reilly. Bravo to WRKO for sending this jerk packing!
Pastor Ted Haggard and the Evangelical Movement are Losers of the Week
New Life Church's acting pastor said Friday that the Rev. Ted Haggard, his predecessor now embroiled in a gay-escort scandal, has acknowledged some of the accusations are true.
In an e-mail to congregants, Ross Parsley wrote that the church's four-member board of overseers had met with Haggard.
"It is important for you to know that he confessed to the overseers that some of the accusations against him are true. He has willingly and humbly submitted to the authority of the board of overseers, and will remain on administrative leave during the course of the investigation," the e-mail stated.
I am so sick of the insane evangelical movement! These holier than thou types continue to shove their beliefs and judgements in my face about my life. Why does religion get so protected by the government? They have more protections than I do as a gay American. What is even scarier is the people who follow this branch of religion. The followers throw out science and common sense and they send money to their hypocritical leaders, like Ted Haggard. America...wake up! These people are trying to take away our constitutional rights to freedom, while they hide behind their rights to freedom of religion.
Ted Haggard and the evengelical momement are my losers of the week.
Kudos: Planet Out
Sunday, October 29, 2006
New Cell Phone
I am writing this from my new cell phone! It is the new T-Mobile Dash and has a full keyboard. It is really quite something!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Voting Problems... Could It Happen Again?
Source: YouTube - Video the Vote 2006
I saw this on another blog. It is very scary. I can't believe how long the lines were. There is no excuse.
Kudos: nottawa
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Kinda Good News
New Jersey's Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision issued Wednesday, has failed to find that the state's same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry.
But the justices found New Jersey's 2-year-old domestic-partnership system inadequate, and gave the Legislature 180 days to "enact an appropriate statutory structure" giving same-sex couples rights equivalent to those of married couples. Read More.
Windows Live Writer
I am trying out Windows Live Writer for posting to my blogs. So far, so good. I am really not that happy with the editor that comes with WordPress.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
October's here again.
Oh, how I revel in it!
Those trees with orange and scarlet,
the chilly morning rising,
and where'd I put the sweaters?
I'd long for spring with daffodils and greening trees,
but I enjoy the fall.
It's such a pretty world!
I'll shout for joy when winter comes,
rejoice when snowflakes fall
and Jack Frost coats the windows.
Poem from my mom's book, Please Delay Departure
Monday, October 23, 2006
Barbra in Boston was like Butah !
I am so verclempt! I am home from an amazing concert with the one and only, Miss Barbra Streisand! The evening began when I picked up Barbra's Number One Fan, Chuck. Chuck lives and breathes for this woman! Rosie O'Donnell's obsession for Barbra is not even close to to this man's! I really fed off his energy. I haven't been this excited at going to a concert in years! I had buttahflies in my stomach!
I was so excited when I got to my seat. I was in the fourth row, right on the end of the aisle,  with a wonderful view. I was seated next to a wonderful girl who is just starting out in the theatre profession, so we hit it off immediately. She was a joy to sit next to, and her enthusiasm was infectious throughout the evening. I scoped out celebrities before the show. I saw Natalie Jacobson (A local Boston newscaster), Mayor of Boston...Tom Menino, and Senator John Kerry seated himself just as the lights dimmed.
When the overture was finished, Barbara popped up on the stage from an elevator from below, and the crowd... and I, went wild! She looked great! Older and heavier than when I saw her 12 years ago at Madison Square Garden, but wonderful! She started the evening with the Maltby/Shire tune, Starting Here, Starting Now. The first thing I noticed was that she sounded a little hoarse. I hoped that all she needed was a little warming up. The next songs were Down with Love, The Way We Were, and Come Rain or Come Shine. Each was wonderful, but I felt she was holding back a bit, and the slight hoarseness continued. It became clear to me that either she has a cold, or her voice has weakened with age. I have a feeling it is the former, since she still sounds phenomenal on recordings. Don't get me wrong, her voice was amazing! It just did not seem to have the power, or range that I remember. Next we were treated to Barbra's first song that she wrote, Ma Premiere Chanson. She began the song by playing the melody on the piano, and then stood up and sang the lyrics. I really liked it much better than the next song she sang...Evergreen. I am just tired of hearing it and any song from her version of A Star is Born just makes me cringe. It is my least favorite of all her movies. To make my discomfort worse, Il Divo came out and joined her for Evergreen. Why do I want to hear anyone else other than Barbra? Especially at her ticket prices! Their style of pop opera is frankly quite boring. I suppose they are quite something to look at if you are a 15 year old teenage girl, but they did nothing for me. They have nice voices, but are nothing special. If you have any 4 men singing together well, you have a nice sound, and that is where their strength lies. At the end of their set, Il Divo sings a song that they dedicate to Barbara Streisand...Frank Sinatra's My Way. My Way? I must have missed something. What the hell does that song have to do with Barbra Streisand? Dumb song and set up if you ask me. Again, I say, Il Divo...nothing special. It was during the Il Divo set that I switched seats with Chuck so he could have a better view for the rest of the act. His seat was further away and I wanted him to be up close to his idol for a few songs when Babs came back after El Bore-o!
Barbra returned and joined the boys for Music of the Night and then ended the first act with songs from Funny Girl: Funny Girl, The Music That Makes Me Dance, My Man and People. It was then time for intermission and an overpriced pretzel and a Diet Pepsi.
Act II began with When the Sun Comes Out( a personal favorite of mine), followed by You've Got to Be Carefully Taught/Children Will Listen, Unusual Way, and What are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? Next up was a segment of audience questions that Barbra read from cards (I never saw where to get them to write a question) followed by a skit with George Bush impersonator, Steve Bridges. He was very good, but the skit goes on a little long for my taste and frankly, not that funny. I wasn't offended, but it was just a dumb distraction from why the audience was there. Barbra. She gave a shoutout to John Kerry and gave us a beautiful rendition of Happy Days are Here Again. This was followed by intimate renditions of Have I Stayed Too Long At The Fair and South Pacific's, A Cockeyed Optimist.
One thing that I found quite interesting was that Barbara uses a giant teleprompter that is hanging from the ceiling. 99.9 percent of all her stage talk is also written on the teleprompter. I get the feeling Barbara does not feel very comfortable with any spontaneity, but I have always felt that about her. She does bring the words to life showing what a true actress she really is, but as I said, it was interesting to note.
El-Snore-O joined her again for Somewhere from West Side Story. They overpowered her here, and I really wished they stayed in their dressing room!
Barbra sang My Shining Hour and I became anxious as I knew this magical night was quickly coming to an end. For an encore we were treated to Don't Rain on My Parade and the crowd was on their feet for the whole song! She said goodnight, but the crowd was screaming for more!
I had read that in each of the previous cities of the tour, Barbra returned for a final encore with the song, Smile. The house lights came up, but the thunderous ovation kept on. It seemed like ages, but no Barbra. It became obvious that the show was over. I couldn't believe that she didn't come back out. I must say, I was disappointed. Smile, is one of my all-time favorite songs. Perhaps her voice wasn't up to it, but I just couldn't believe that she wouldn't at least come out one more time due to the deafening and long ovation. We would have been happy if she just stood there one more time. In the thousands of performances I have seen, I can't imagine a cast or performer not responding to an ovation of this magnitude. I really believe she should have come back out and at least have taken another bow. But, I must admit, I am not completely surprised. I think Barbara Streisand is one of the greatest performers alive today. But I think her relationship with her audience is different than many performers. I think many artists are motivated, more than anything, to please their audiences. I think Barbra Streisand is motivated, more than anything, to please herself. Her approach is probably more psychologically healthy, but I have never felt the same connection with her as I have with other performers. I do believe however, that I just experienced a truly magical night that I will always treasure!
Thank you Barbra Streisand!
Friday, October 20, 2006
On A Clear Day You Can See Barbra Streisand
I am going to see Barbra Streisand this Sunday! I can't believe it! I saw her in concert in 1994 at Madison Square Garden and it was bliss! I hated the fact that I was so far back, especially when the show came out on DVD, but it was definitely a night to remember. When tickets came on sale here in Boston, I didn't even bother to look. I hate going to concerts and being far back from the stage. There was no way I could get tickets close to Babs, so I put it out of my mind. Just for fun I looked for tickets today on Ticketmaster...2 days before the show. I couldn't believe what I saw on my computer screen, 1 ticket in the 4th row! I actually hesitated for a moment. The tickets are too expensive I thought. I can't justify treating myself to this. Finally, my "gay card" started to burn in my wallet. I realized that this is a chance of a lifetime and absolutely NO self respecting gay man would let this go by! I clicked on buy it! I have no worries now of being expelled from the gay community, I made the right choice and and am out and proud! Showtunes run thick, through my blood...I am at peace.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Just in Time for Halloween...Jesus Camp
I just saw one of the scariest movies I have ever seen...Jesus Camp. This documentary was made at a camp for evangelical christian children in Missouri. I kept thinking of Hitler's youth. These kids are being brainwashed and it was terrifying to watch these young minds soaking up "that old time religion" like a sponge. They were not encouraged to think, but were caught up in mass hysteria. If the leaders had told them to drink Koolaid and kill themselves for Jesus, I have no doubt in my mind that they would. I am totally convinced that evangelical christians are completely delusional and a danger to themselves and all of society. We should teach our children the best available evidence of everything that is out there. To reject science and replace it with religion is a dumbing down of the human mind and sends us back to the stone age. Anyone who believes all the answers to the questions of life are found only in the bible is just not operating at man's evolved intelligence. People choose to switch off their brain in many different ways. Some people use drugs, some use food, some sex...and some people use Jesus. Teaching kids to blindly lay down their lives for Jesus has just as much validity as teaching them to die for Mohammed, or in my opinion, even the Tooth Fairy! I don't want children dying for anyone! I really wish we would teach people to do things not for God, but for their fellow man. What we have here and now... is the only thing an intelligent person can be certain of. To put all our faith and energy into a deity, which may or may not exist, is a gamble with our own life, and quite possibly, the lives of all of us. That to me is truly frightening.Â
Can somebody say Amen?
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Why is the music industry so violent?
I just read in the news that another rap star was shot. What is it with the music industry today? Rappers are shooting rappers to get ahead, and drive by shootings take out major rap stars. I can just imagine what it would have been like when I was young. The Captain and Tennille, Olivia-Newton John and the Steve Miller Band form a gang to shoot and kill Billy Joel!
Kudos: Yahoo News
Sunday, October 15, 2006
HMR Bump
I am really having a tough time with the diet this weekend. I keep eating off the program, but healthfully. I really dislike the HMR products. I am afraid I am going to have to go to real food soon and just use some of their products to displace calories. I find it really hard to prepare food for my mother and not eat. When I lost weight 10 years ago I could just stay out of the Kitchen. I am commited to losing weight, but I don't think I can live like this... even for a couple of months. I have been increasing my exercise every day and keeping track of my calories. I just need to eat healthfully and watch the portion sizes. I miss my vegetables and fruits!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
1st Week HMR Diet
I made it through the first week! Woo Hoo! I had some bumps in the road this week, but I managed to lose 8lbs! I miss eating regular food, but if I can stick with this I will have quick results. I talked to the doctor and nurse and have modified my diet to be 5 shakes and 2 entrees. My total caloric intake will be around 900 calories, give or take. One thing that HMR tells you that they didn't when I did this before is that you can have more HMR product if you are still hungry. That is really a nice notion, and will hopefully keep me in the HMR Box. Time will tell.
 Start Weight: 260 lbs
Current Weight: 252 lbs
Weight lost: 8 lbs
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Happy 43rd Birthday to Me!
Today was my 43rd birthday. I can't believe I am that old! I know, some people never make it to this age, but I really can't believe it! I hate gray hair, wrinkles, and middle age spread! Not to mention the aches and pains on arising in the A.M.! What can one do? There really aren't many alternatives. I do hope that losing weight and exercising help me at least feel a bit younger. Time will tell. The diet is going OK, but I think I will be adding HMR dinners to the mix on a regular basis. I can't seem to stay sane on liquids only. Wednesday is weigh in, so I will have more to report then!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
3 days on the HMR Liquid Diet
Today is my 3rd day on the HMR liquid diet. I am feeling almost normal today. Yesterday I had a terrible headache and felt weak. I drank more fluids and took an aspirin and I felt a little better. I really am not hungry, but miss all the fun foods there are to eat! I am definitely going to limit them when I am back on solid food. I figure that I will have to be on this diet till February of next year if I want to reach my goal weight. I seriously doubt I will make it. The last time I did this was about 2 months and that was enough! The idea of not eating solid food for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and a trip to Walt Disney World in January sounds impossible. I intend to still eat healthy and a lot less whenever I leave the liquid diet. I am working at exercising every day from now on too. I will keep you all posted.
 Starting weight: 260
Goal Weight: 175
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Tony Snow is Loser of the Week
President Bush's Press Secretary, Tony Snow, described the horrible and predatory contact between a 16 year old male page and Congressman Mark Foley as "simply naughty emails." This is absolutely shameful and just another example that the the Bush administration is out or touch with reality.
 Tony Snow is my Loser of the Week!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Goodbye Swimming Pool
This weekend we had our inground swimming pool demolished and filled in with dirt. It was really kind of sad. There are many memories of good times. It needed a lot of repair work and we really just didn't use it any more. I think I have been in it no more than 10 times over the last three years. It was going to cost about $8000 to semi fix it up and was only $5300 to fill it in. We have been dealing with rising electric costs, as well as expensive chemicals. And again, no one swam in it! I kept telling the neighbors to come and use it, but no takers! It is a lot of work and expense for only about 2 months of enjoyment here in Massachusetts. I will miss it though. My mother used to use it every day before she had her stroke. She kept thinking that she was gonna get in it again, but only made it once or twice when I carried her in. After the rain today, we can now hold mud wrestling matches!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Time To Reset The Diet Countdown
I am not losing weight. I don't give you updates because I am failing, failing, failing. My body weight hovers around 260 and I can't seem to get any better than that. Of course I eat whatever I want and hardly exercise. This is going to change next week! I have decided to return to a drastic measure that I was very successful at in the past... the medically supervised very low calorie diet. I did it in 1995 and lost a ton of weight. I am returning to the HMR weight loss class and will drink meal replacements for 3 months. It will be a struggle the first few weeks, but I will get great support from HMR and the doctor there. I know it is drastic, but it will take my choices away and losing 90 lbs will be a lot easier. I can then slowly add back in healthy foods at my new weight. I can't chicken out this time. I will do it. I will reset my diet countdown and let you all know how it goes. Skinny Scott is making a return.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Ebay Magazine Subscriptions
I just ordered some magazine subscriptions on eBay. I don't know how the sellers are doing it, but the prices are great! The sellers have high positive feedback ratings, and I paid by credit card, so there should be little risk to me. I'll let you all know if there are any problems!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Ethan Daniel Fisher
I am a great Uncle again! I would like to welcome Ethan Daniel Fisher to the Fisher clan! He was born September 18, 2006 at 10:43 P.M. and was 9 lbs. 2 oz.! Congratulations to Lindsay and my nephew Danny!
More Pictures at my Flickr account!
I Dream of Jeannie
I grew up watching I Dream of Jeannie, and fell in love with Barbara Eden. I loved the beautiful bottle that Jeannie lived in. Over the years I have painted my own Jim Beam bottles and failed miserably at having them resemble anything like the whiskey bottle they used on the show. Mike finally made a great attempt at painting a bottle for me, but I never had the correct colors to give him. Today in the mail I received a beautiful copy painted by Michelle of All I need now is a Jeannie!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Where is the Outrage from Muslim Leaders?
OK. I am not really a big fan of the Catholic Church. But I am outraged that Muslim countries and moderate Muslim leaders never speak out against violence from their own people. Until I hear outrage from the major players in Islam over VIOLENCE, and not how horrified they are that someone took Muhammad's name in vain... I will have no respect for this religion or the people who follow it. Get over it and move on.
I Love Family
So far I have watched about 5 episodes of the newly released Family on DVD. So far I have cried about 5 times! This show is actually better than I remember. The acting is outstanding, and the cast is just perfect. I have a special place in my heart for the show because I was Kristy McNichol's age whe the show originally aired. I identified with McNichol's character, Buddy, because she had a special relationship with her brother, Willy. Willy reminds me so much of my brother that has passed away, and I had a similar relationship with him. The show brings me back in time when my family was whole and everyone was healthy. I miss those times.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Mike "Boogie" Malin and Dolce Group are Losers of the Week
    Mike "Boogie" Malin won Big Brother All Stars on Tuesday night. This is one of the most disgusting men to have ever won a reality show. He masturbated, picked his nose, and didn't wash his hands after going to the bathroom... all for millions of people who subscribed to CBS's live feeds of the popular TV show. On the broadcast version of the show, all of America got to watch "Booger" make disparaging remarks about women and the other people on the show. One houseguest he said he wanted to "piss and shit on"... and he had the nerve to call another housguest classless! This man is and ego-maniac and should never have had his ego fed by being invited back by CBS to appear on Big Brother All Stars. When he appeared in season two, he referred to all the other houseguests as "extras", while he was a "star". He is a legend in HIS own mind!
Dolce Group is a group of investors (including actor, Ashton Kutcher) that include Mike "Boogie" Malin as one of their partners in owning 6 restaurants...Geisha House, Dolce Enoteca, Bella Cocina, Les Deux, Ten Pin Alley, and Ketchup. If I were one of the investor's in Dolce group I would call an immediate board meeting to remove Mike Malin from the group, no matter how much of his Big Brother winnings he contributes. Restaurant owners do not need the negative, disgusting image that Mike Malin represents, especially in the food and hospitality industry!
Mike "Booger" Malin and Dolce group are my Losers of the Week!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Oh My Aching Backside
I didn't think I was gonna share everything about my life with you, but I haven't been writing and I thought you should know why. I have had a fever for three days due to a problem with my backside. I have an abscess. About 1 year ago I had surgery for removal of a perianal abscess. Things have been going fine until I felt pain down there and started with a fever. From my research I may have to have surgery again. What a bummer! Sorry, couldn't resist. I am going to see a doctor tomorrow and will know more soon.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Rosie on The View... Star Who?
Well I just saw Rosie's debut on The View and thought that she did a wonderful job! I do wonder if she might overpower the rest of the table. She is such a strong personality, and while she will be my favorite, I don't know if the rest of the gals can rise to her energy. Time will tell. Good luck Rosie!Â
The Carpenters on YouTube
I don't know how long they will allow them to be up there, but I am loving all the wonderful clips of The Carpenter's television appearances that are now on YouTube. Karen Carpenter was such a beautiful spirit with the voice of an angel.
Monday, September 04, 2006
AFI's Top 25 Movie Musicals of All Time
 The American Film Institute released the top 25 movie musicals of all time today. The only one I disagree with is Moulin Rouge! It was a movie mishmash of stolen songs from great musicals. It probably is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Three of my all time favorites did make the list. Of course, the three movies also star the great Judy Garland! They are The Wizard of Oz, A Star is Born, and Meet Me in St. Louis. I am so glad that A Star is Born got recognition. Judy Garland was robbed when she didn't get her Academy Award for her outstanding performance in this amazing picture.
1 SINGIN' IN THE RAIN 1952 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
2 WEST SIDE STORY 1961 United Artists
3Â THE WIZARD OF OZ 1939 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
4 THE SOUND OF MUSIC 1965 Twentieth Century-Fox
5 CABARET 1972 Allied Artists
6 MARY POPPINS 1964 Disney
7 A STAR IS BORN 1954 Warner Bros.
8 MY FAIR LADY 1964 Warner Bros.
9 AN AMERICAN IN PARIS 1951 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
10 MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS 1944 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
11 THE KING AND I 1956 Twentieth Century-Fox
12 CHICAGO 2002 Miramax
13 42ND STREET 1933 Warner Bros.
14 ALL THAT JAZZ 1979 Twentieth Century-Fox, Columbia
15 TOP HAT 1935 RKO
16 FUNNY GIRL 1968 Columbia
17 THE BAND WAGON 1953 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
18 YANKEE DOODLE DANDY 1942 Warner Bros.
19 ON THE TOWN 1949 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
20 GREASE 1978 Paramount
23 GUYS AND DOLLS 1955 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
24 SHOW BOAT 1936 Universal
25 MOULIN ROUGE! 2001 Twentieth Century Fox
Liza and Luigi
I was searching the web and found this interview with Liza Minnelli and her dance mentor, Luigi.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Kathy Griffin On The A List
Tonight we went with our friend Chuck to see Kathy Griffin at the South Shore Music Circus. When we arrived I though I was at a bear event, because so many of our bear friends were also attending that night. In fact, I would say it was one of the most successful bear events I have attended recently, and it wasn't even listed anywhere! About the show...what can I say? The show was fantastic! I generally do not like stand up comedy, but Kathy's brand of celebrity dish is right up my alley. She has the courage to say what we are all actually thinking about those crazy Hollywood stars. I was a little worried that I had heard all her dish having seen all her Bravo and HBO specials, as well as her series, My Life on the D List. To my wonderful surprise, it was very fresh. I love how she continues a story from a previous encounter she has had with a celeb. She makes us feel that we are all her "girlfriends" and is updating the latest info. I wonder how it plays to people who don't follow her, but our audience seemed to be with her all the way. I will definitely go out of my way to see her whenever she is in town. Kathy Griffin is strictly "A List" in my book!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Katharine McPhee as Wonder Woman?
I heard on the news today that American Idol runner up, Katharine McPhee, is in the running for the new Wonder Woman movie! I have always thought that she had a more than passing resemblance to Lynda Carter, who played the role in the 70's on television. I hope that she gets it as she is truly talented. What's next? Taylor Hicks as Batman? Whoo!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Work At Home As A Call Center!
My friend Betsy saw an interesting segment on Good Morning America about working from home as a call center. The show mentioned three companies that recruit people for the work, Alpine Access, VIPDesk, and Willow CSN. Let's hope more Americans take on the job! I am so sick of getting someone from India when I have a problem. Keep jobs in America!
Once A Trap Was Baited...
I have fond memories of my mother telling me the first verse of this poem when I was a child. She would say the first part of a sentence and have me say the last word. I remember how I loved when she would clap here hands together when the trap closed on the poor mousey!
With a piece of cheese;
It tickled so a little mouse,
It almost made him sneeze.
An old rat said, "There's a danger,
Be careful where you go!
"Nonsense!" said the other,
"I don't think you know!"
So he walked in boldly -
Nobody in sight -
First he took a nibble,
Then he took a bite;
Close the trap together
Snapped as quick as wink,
Catching mousey fast there,
'Cause he didn't think.
Lived outside the door,
Who wanted to go inside
And hop upon the floor.
"No, no," said the mother,
"You must stay with me;
Little birds are safest
Sitting in a tree."
"I don't care," said Robin,
And gave his tail a fling,
"I don't think the old folks
Know quite everything."
Down he flew, and kitty seized him
Before he'd time to blink;
"Oh," he cried, "I'm sorry,
But I just didn't think."
Phoebe Cary
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
32nd Week on the Diet
Current Weight: 257 lbs Weight Loss This Week: 0 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far: 8 lbs.
Well the two weeks worked and I lost some weight! Unfortunately the following two weeks I went back to my old habits. I just can't seem to get motivated. I also haven't exercised in about a month! The task is so daunting and I am so not into it. I have switched diet coaches and now go on Thursaday mornings. Maybe the switch will give me a boost. Will someone please come out with a magic pill!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
What's Your Birth Number?
I found this on another blog and thought I would give it a try! I really am a typical 2, other than being shy! How about you?
Birth Numbers
Your birth date describes who you are, what you're good at and what your inborn abilities are. It also points to what you have to learn and the challenges you're facing. To figure out your Birth Number, add all the numbers in the Birth Date together, like in the example, until there's only one digit.
A Birth Number doesn't prevent you from being anything you want to be, it may just colour your choices differently and/or give you a little insight.
Example March 20, 1950
3 + 20 + 1950 = 1973
1 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 20
2 + 0 = 2
Keep going until you end up with a single digit number.
1's are originals. Coming up with new ideas and executing them is natural. Having things their own way is another trait that sometimes gets them pegged as being stubborn and arrogant. 1's are extremely honest and would do well to learn some diplomacy skills. They like to take the initiative and are often leaders or bosses, as they like to be the best. Being self-employed is definitely helpful for them. Lesson to learn: Others' ideas could be just as good - stay open minded.
Famous 1's
Tom Hanks, Robert Redford, Hulk Hogan, Carol Burnett, Wynona Judd, Nancy Reagan, Raquel Welch
2's are born diplomats. They're aware of others' needs and moods and often think of others before themselves. Naturally analytical and very intuitive, they don't like to be alone. Friendship and companionship is very important and can lead them to success in life, on the other hand they'd rather be alone than in an uncomfortable relationship. Being naturally shy, they need to learn to boost their self-esteem and express themselves freely, seize the moment and not put things off.
Famous 2's
Bill Clinton, Madonna, Whoopie Goldberg, Thomas Edison, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
3's are idealists. They are very creative, social, charming, romantic, and easygoing. They start many things, but don't always see them through. They like others to be happy and go to great lengths to achieve it. They are very popular and idealistic. They should learn to see the world from a more realistic point of view.
Famous 3's
Alan Alda, Ann Landers, Bill Cosby, Melanie Griffith, Salvador Dali, Jodi Foster
4's are sensible and traditional. They like order and routine. They only act when they fully understand what they are expected to do. They like getting their hands dirty and working hard. They are attracted to the outdoors and feel an affinity with nature. They are prepared to wait and can be stubborn and persistent. They could learn to be more flexible and to be nice to themselves.
Famous 4's
Neil Diamond, Margaret Thatcher, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tina Turner, Paul Hogan, Oprah Winfrey
5's are the explorers. Their natural curiosity, risk taking, and enthusiasm often land them in hot water. They need diversity, and don't like to be stuck in a rut. The whole world is their school and they see a learning possibility in every situation. The questions never stop. They are well advised to look before they take action and make sure they have all the facts before jumping to conclusions.
Famous 5's
Abraham Lincoln, Charlotte Bronte, Vincent Van Gogh, Bette Midler, Helen Keller
6's are idealistic and need to feel useful to be happy. A strong family connection is important to them. They have a strong urge to take care of others and to help. They are very loyal and make great teachers. They like art or music. They make loyal friends who take the friendship seriously. 6's should learn to differentiate between what they can change and what they cannot.
Famous 6's
Albert Einstein, Jane Seymour, John Denver, Meryl Streep, Christopher Columbus, Goldie Hawn
7's are the searchers. Always probing for hidden information, they find it difficult to accept things at face value. Emotions don't sway their decisions. Questioning everything in life, they don't like to be questioned themselves. They're never off to a fast start; their motto is slow and steady wins the race. They come across as philosophers and being very knowledgeable, and sometimes as loners. They are technically inclined and make great researchers. They like secrets. They live in their own world and should learn what is acceptable and what isn't in the world at large.
Famous 7's
William Shakespeare, Lucille Ball, Michael Jackson, Joan Baez, Princess Diana
8's are the problem solvers. They are professional, blunt and to the point, have good judgment and are decisive. They have grand plans and like to live the good life. They take charge of people. They view people objectively. They let you know in no uncertain terms that they're the boss.
Famous 8's
Edgar Cayce, Barbara Streisand, George Harrison, Jane Fonda, Pablo Picasso, Aretha Franklin, Nostrodamus
9's are natural entertainers. They are very caring and generous, giving away their last dollar to help. With their charm, they have no problem making friends and nobody is a stranger to them. They have so many different personalities that people around them have a hard time understanding them. They are like chameleons, ever changing and blending in. They have tremendous success, but can suffer from extremes in fortune and mood. To be successful, they need to build a loving foundation.
Famous 9's
Albert Schweitzer, Shirley MacLaine, Harrison Ford, Jimmy Carter, Elvis Presley
Kudos: Ragtags
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Lost in Stuff Is Now Open!
Well my first online store, Lost in Stuff, is now online and open for business! Basically it is a holding place for things that don't sell on my auctions on eBay. I had a store on eBay, but it was $16.00 a month and they recently raised their listing fees, and final value fees. It was just getting too expensive to keep the stuff from my cellar on there! It probably will take a long time before I sell anything on the new store, but it was fun putting it together. Take a look at Lost in Stuff and comment here what you think!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Barry Manilow To Have Hip Surgery!
I just heard recently that Barry Manilow is scheduled to undergo hip surgery! Just hearing the news made me feel so old! I was never a huge fan of Barry's, but liked some of his greatest hits. There is something about When October Goes, that always makes me cry. It probably ties into the fact that I am also getting older and look back at my younger days with a fond memory. Well gotta dash, I'm off to the Copa!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Six Flags New England is Loser of the Week
Six Flags New England amusement park stinks! Let me tell you first about their discounted web price. The normal admission price at their congested gate is $49.99, and that doesn't include the highway robbery price of $15.00 they charge for parking. If you go to their website, it states that you can save $10.00 by purchasing online. This is not true! After sending in your credit card number you are presented with your delivery options. You can have them shipped for a fee, or you can have them printed out on your printer for $3.00! I am using my ink and my paper and they are charging me $3.00? Not to mention the money they are saving by not having to pay someone to physically sell me a ticket. Outrageous, I say, Outrageous! To top off my already bad mood, the parking attendant welcomed us by jokingly saying, "Welcome to Disneyland"! I yelled at him, "I don't think so!" An undiscounted ticket to the "Happiest Place on Earth" costs $59.00 with a parking fee of $10.00 for a total of $69.00. An undiscounted ticket to Six Flags New England is $49.99 plus $15.00 parking for a total of $64.99. Six flags is cheaper by $4.01! But this is really not true since Six Flags charges for their fastpass system a fee of $25.00 to $50.00 per person! At Disneyland it's free! If you want to go on their virtual ride there is a fee, while at Disneyland it is included in your admission. "Welcome to Disneyland?" I think not!
Now about the park itself! It is ugly and falling apart. The paint is peeling on most rides and the place is filthy! The layout creates bottlenecks at every turn and all the rides are extremely slow loading. There are no attractions that can accomodate a large number of guests to attend at busy times. The shows are few and far between and mediocre at best. The food is god awful!
Here are some photos of this awful place!
Paint Peeling
Unhappy Camper!
More photos of Lousy Six Flags New England Here!Â
Six Flags New England is my Loser of the Week!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I am a total pack rat! I haven't written a lot lately because I have been going through all the junk I collected over the years and am putting it all up on eBay! First there was the Wizard of Oz craze, then the Star Wars craze, and then the really gay, Barbie doll craze! I may even open a store at! I have so many toys I would make most children jealous. Of course all of them are mint in package and have never left their claustrophobic homes! Some kid would have let them out to breathe! Many items I am making my money back, but many are selling for half price or less. I have learned a big lesson and never want to collect anything other than social security!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Talk Show Host Mike Douglas Dies
Mike Douglas is dead at 81. I have such fond memories of running home after school and watching The Mike Douglas Show. I had such stars in my eyes as a kid, and he had all the great ones on his show...even Judy Garland! I also liked when he would have co-hosts for a week. Many of my favorites as a kid got to guest host... Kristy McNichol, Lindsay Wagner, Anne Murray, Helen Reddy. Such Memories! I am really feeling old!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Pirates of the Caribbean
Tonight we took our friend Bob out to a dinner and a movie for his birthday. We saw Pirates of the Caribbean. I think I might have liked it better than the first one, although I was bored at times. Some scenes just went on too long for my liking. That, and the fact that as I get older I cannot sit for 2 1/2 hours! My bum wears out! I sorta wish that the Pirates movies didn't rely so much on the supernatural. I find the makeup a little tedious at times and long for just a good pirate story. Johnny Depp has definitely created an interesting character, but I still was bored. I am too critical for my own good! I give Pirates a C+
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Mr Bear and Cub New England Contest 2006
Well the contest is finally over. I can't believe it! Congratulations to the winners of the Mr Bear and Cub New England Contest 2006. Overall I was pretty happy with the way things went. I learned a lot that I would like to refine next year. Did I just say that? I don't know if I want to commit to doing something like this again right away. I really like the production end of things, i.e. making videos, writing the script, etc., but keeping on all the various people needed to get this accomplished is kind of a drag. But can I give up control? I really need to know what is happening to put on a good show. One of the things I am most proud of was the video I created to honor friend and activist, John Beresford, who was murdered last year. It was really powerful showing it on the giant video screen the night of the contest. We were able to raise a nice donation between the door cover and a collection made during the evening for The John Beresford Foundation. It really made all the work worthwhile. I think we should donate to a charity every year! You can watch the video I created for John below.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Mr. Bear and Mr. Cub New England Contest
I haven't written lately because I am producing the Mr Bear and Cub New England Contest this Saturday. It has taken up all of my time! After Saturday prepare for more junk from my jumbled brain!
Friday, July 28, 2006
28th Week on the Diet
Well I am gonna try something drastic over the next two weeks. I am gonna just eat HMR products and fruits and vegetables! I have too many choices and I need to take a closer look at what I am eating. I will not deprive myself, but focus on better eating and exercise. I hope this jump start works because I have been sliding for so long. Time will tell!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
27th Week on the Diet
Current Weight: 260 lbs Weight Loss This Week: 0 lbs Total Weight Loss So Far: 5 lbs.
What can I say? I haven't been keeping track and have been eating whatever I want! I really don't have any good excuses. I just can't seem to stick to any plan. I have not been exercising as well, which I am really starting to feel. I know what I should eat, how much, and that I should exercise, but I still do nothing. It is very frustrating. I want to be thinner, but it seems like such a chore to worry about all the time. The last time I lost a big chunk of weight(75 lbs) I was crazy about how much I ate and how much exercise I got every day. I think I am so tired about having to worry about how to keep it off all the time. As I get older, the less motivation I have. I need magic motivation!!!!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
President George Bush is Loser of the Week
Our notorious President is at it again. This time he plans to use his first veto ever against stem cell research, even though polls show that the American public, and the majority of the scientific community believe the research should continue. The stem cells that are in question are going to be thrown away whether he vetoes the bill or not. They were taken from embryos and could never be given the chance to become human beings. Our President continues to tell us each and every day that he is a complete moron.
President George Bush is our Loser of the week!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Do Toys And Judy Garland Make Us Gay?
Yes, I had an Easy-Bake Oven as a child. I was remembering it when I was at a recent party with a bunch of middle aged gay men, know as bears. To my wonderful surprise, I met several other men who either had one, or played with their sister's Easy-Bake when they were little. I got to thinking about gay culture and how for many of us it began before we even knew we were gay. I remember asking my parents for a Barbie doll too! Yes, I had G.I. Joe, but I wanted a talking Barbie. I remember that my father was against it, but I whined so much that I eventually got one. I had so much fun playing Barbie with the girl next door, I didn't see any reason why I couldn't have one. It never occurred to me that I could only play with certain toys. It made no logical sense to me even at a young age. In my later childhood, I became obsessed with The Wizard of Oz and Judy Garland. I had never met a gay person, but somehow I was quickly becoming a stereotypical one.
In my teens I loved Valley of the Dolls, Barbra Streisand, and Liza Minnelli. Gay, Gay, Gay! From my earliest memories I had been on the path to raging homosexual. I hated gym class, always thought of girls as pals, and found I had a strange attraction for men's underwear ads. Before I came out to myself and the world I thought I was some kind of freak! I now know that I didn't have such a unique childhood after all. The stimuli that I had responded to were the same that many gay men from my generation also found appealing.
How come I can quote Mommie Dearest? Why do I adore Kathy Griffin? No matter what our upbringing, or part of the country we are from, many gay men share the same likes and experiences. What are the odds? Gay people didn't recruit me. I didn't know any gay people when I was growing up. Sorry, right wing America... I was born this way!
Bay Windows Blogging Massachusetts Constitutional Convention
Bay Windows is blogging the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention today. On the docket for the ConCon is whether a ballot question banning gay marriage in Massauchetts will appear in 2008. Please call your legislators today. Minority rights should never be decided by popular vote and the constitution should grant rights to individuals, not take them away.
Kudos: Bay Windows, Mass Equality
Monday, July 10, 2006
Jury Duty
Here I sit. I am waiting at the jury pool at the Dedham courthouse to see if I will be impaneled on a jury this morning. I am torn by what I hope the outcome will be. I have never sat on a jury before and it might be an interesting experience. On the other hand, I am so tired. I am not used to getting up at 6:30 AM..try 9:30! I also can't be here for more than a few days. I just hope my bum holds out from all this sitting!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
New York State Court of Appeals is Loser of the Week
The New York State Court of Appeals is our loser of the week for ruling that gay people do not have a right to get married.
The state Court of Appeals in Albany today decided four appeals by 44 gay and lesbian couples, ruling 4 to 2 that the parties had no right to be issued marriage licenses by local officials. The decision should be made by elected lawmakers, the court said.
The New York State Court of Appeals is our Loser of the Week
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Walpole Fireworks
Last night we went to see the fireworks display in Walpole. Walpole always has their fireworks display the night before the fourth. I am always really amazed at how spectacular they are for our small town. This year was wonderful. The night was perfect, with not a cloud in the sky. We had the perfect viewing spot thanks to our friends Karen and Ron, and it was wonderful to have Mike's parents and sister along as well. Happy Fourth of July!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Family to come to DVD in September!
    About 1 month ago I wrote to Sony Television and 3 of the producers (including the late Aaron Spelling) of the 70's show Family. I requested that they release this great drama series from the 70's on DVD. I had not received a written response from any of them, but I got the best answer I could hope for from when they announced that Family will be released to DVD this coming September! I don't think I can take much credit for it, but it is a welcomed coincidence!
FAMILY follows the saga of the Lawrence family of Pasadena, California ' parents Kate (Sada Thompson) and Doug (James Broderick) and their three children: young, divorced mother Nancy (played by Elayne Heilveil in the first season, and by Meredith Baxter Birney in the second season), high school dropout Willie (Gary Frank), and young teenage daughter Buddy (Kristy McNichol). Notable guest stars include Helen Hunt, James Woods, and Tommy Lee Jones.
Star Jones is Loser of the Week
Thank You, Thank You, ABC! Thank you for firing that self promoting, selfish, ego maniacal, lying, witch from your show, The View. I am sure the florist that Star Jones stiffed for over seven thousand dollars and the countless others who have been ripped off for her promises of free publicity are happy as well. Other stars such as Kathy Griffin and Rosie O'Donnell, who have no love for the self proclaimed diva, must also be ecstatic. I must admit I will miss the chance to see a Rosie O'Donnell and Star Jones cat fight when O'Donnell joins the show in September.Â
Star Jones is our loser of the week!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Noted Pillsbury Spokesman Dies
The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71.
Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their last respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, and Captain Crunch. As you might imagine, the gravesite was piled high with flours. Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times, he still, as a crusty old man, was considered a roll model for millions.
Doughboy is survived by his wife, Play Dough, and two Children, John Dough and Jane Dough, plus they had one in the oven. His elderly father Pop Tart, also survives him. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.
Kudos: Chaz's Blog
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Walt Disney World Tomorrowland Video
Martin's Videos has put together a 25 minute video of Tomorrowland attractions, old and new. It was great to see how Tomorrowland has changed over the years!
Kudos: The Disney Blog
Saturday, June 24, 2006
John Beresford
I am putting together a tribute to the late John Beresford for the upcoming Mr. Bear and Cub New England contest to be held in Boston at the Alley Bar on August 5th. His partner, Adam, has created a beautiful site to this wonderful man. You can watch the video I created for John below. You will need the free Apple Quicktime 7 program if it isn’t already installed on your computer.
Watch It
how to fix it if it doesn’t work;
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Disneyland in Malaysia?
Apparently a company called UEM World Bhd has been talking to The Walt Disney Company about the possibility of building a Disney park in Johor, Malaysia. Please, please, no. The Walt Disney Company needs to focus on the parks they have now. Many attractions have closed at Walt Disney World and they have not been replaced. I think building more and more Disney Theme Parks softens the magic and makes each of the previous parks a little less special. Would you want a copy of the Louvre in every City? Or how about Big Ben? I think it was a mistake to ever build a park outside The United States. Mickey Mouse is American as Apple Pie. Sure...we can share him, but I think he should spend more time at home!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Ellen Degeneres
I just re-watched an E! True Hollywood Story that I had taped. It was about the amazing Ellen Degeneres. It got me to thinking about how important it was when she came out as a lesbian on her television show in the 90's. I was very emotional as I watched that episode. I remember that they had given subtle hints throughout earlier episodes that her character was gay. It was quite fun to watch.Â
I started to think tonight how lucky I am to have lived this time in history. I thought back to when I was younger. I never thought then, that I would be out myself and to the world! It is so important for all of us to be ourselves. Many people never experience the situation where they must live a lie day to day. It tears you apart. You know that you are a good person, yet people are so ready to condemn you if they find out one thing about you. That is why it is so hard for me to understand how some Christians don't realize the pain and suffering they cause us. It is not the sin that causes us the pain, but the people who label it as such. Some kids have actually killed themselves because of it. My tolerance for those that do not accept us is less and less as each year of life goes on. I know that for years I carried my own internalized homophobia around. I knew I was gay, was out to people, but always went out of my way to make straight people feel comfortable! Do straight people live that way? I think not.
I even maintained an unhealthy friendship due to my own sublimated homophobia. Her name was Debbie and she and her husband were born again Christians. Even though I told her I was gay the first week we met, somehow we became friends. I disagreed with her that homosexuality was a sin, but somehow I bought into the idea I could be friends with her while she disapproved of a major part of my personality. After years of study, and personal growth on my part, I realize how detrimental her attitude was to my well being. It all came to a head when Mike and I were able to get legally married here in Massachusetts. Debbie could not, and would not, be happy for us. I realized that “my friend†was against me. She would not support protection for my well being. She would lobby against me to have the same rights that she and her husband so richly enjoy… and take for granted. We talked hard about it. She did not believe that my relationship was the same as she had with her husband. It was acceptable to her that I would not get the same tax benefits that she would receive. I thought about the future. I thought of when Mike and I are older, and if one of us was to die, how we would not be entitled to each other’s social security. My “friend†believed that would be acceptable. What if I were sick and really needed the money? It was acceptable. Acceptable? I considered her a friend. I needed my head examined. This is the love that her religion has to offer me? This is the kind of friendship she believed Christ has to offer? Please! I hope I go to hell. It was at this time that my true friends came by my side. My friend Danny was exceptionally supportive, and was outraged! For me to be friends with this woman was a personal affront to him. I realized that keeping Debbie as one of my friends was an insult to the people who truly love and care for me, and my relationship with Mike. True friends… nurture and encourage their friends. They also value great relationships when they see them. I had always done that for her and supported the relationship she had with her husband. Why was I not entitled to the same?
Because of Debbie, I now know how important it is for all gay people to stand up and be counted. We must never submit to people who do not accept us as whole, healthy and complete. To do so is just slow suicide to one’s self esteem and ultimate happiness.
 I was in the closet, when I thought I was out.
Thank you Debbie.Â
Thank you Ellen Degeneres.